
since when did THIS

become sexier than THIS?


fucked up that we don’t make belts with loops for holding blades or pouches for storing coins and dried herbs anymore

Hmm.  Why would anybody think a plain old belt was sexier than one with built-in pouches and pockets and sheathes and holsters with auxiliary thigh straps, cuddlebug?  I mean, all a D/Lg Daddy can do with a regular belt is double it in his big strong hand…  😏

(Don’t get me wrong!  As a former professional journeyman leatherworker those other kinds of belts are so much fun to make, and they really are good for carrying swords or hammers or coins or dried herbs!  But take it from an expert: plain old Daddy belts are just soo much better for spanking naughty Little elves and minxes, aren’t they?)