I’m not sure if you’ve answered this already, but your thoughts on girls with glasses? ????????‍♀️????


Glasses are cool like any other accessory is cool.  It would be kind of dumb to say “eww, girls who wear earrings” or “eww, girls with [long/short/curly/straight/dyed/tied-back] hair.”  Or to say “mmm, girls with [any or all of the above]”  So it would be kind of dumb to say mmm or eww about someone wearing glasses.

And it would be kind of rude to say eww about someone’s knee brace, hearing aid, insulin pump, or celiac diet requirements.  So it would be kind of rude to say eww about someone’s glasses too, wouldn’t it?

I am gonna say “mmmm” to @anauthenticgentleman’s answer


It’s so hot when a girl is passionate about her capability to see.

It’s so hot when a girl is passionate about her capability to see.

Because that’s how I feel about it too!  It’s not that glasses are intrinsically hot or not.  But caring about one’s capabilities?  Definitely hot!