Big hats off to Anthony Bourdain too
Just wanted to add that I also thought the world of Bourdain. He took hard looks at things, including himself.
“I’ve been hearing a lot of really bad shit, frankly, and in many cases it’s like, wow, I’ve known some of these women and I’ve known women who’ve had stories like this for years and they’ve said nothing to me. What is wrong with me? What have I, how have I presented myself in such a way as to not give confidence, or why was I not the sort of person people would see as a natural ally here? So I started looking at that.”
He and I were around the same age. Raised in the same culture of toxic masculinity. And I admired and still admire him for asking the hard questions we need to ask ourselves. Even though he didn’t like his answers any more than I’ve been comfortable with mine.
He wasn’t a NiceGuy but he was one of the good ones. RIP