Little me: I’m gonna stay up late n watch cartoons, cus I’m a big kid!
Big me: but not too late, or we’ll be tired… and didn’t daddy say—
Little me: shshsh!!! Daddy didn’t say nuthin!!
Big me: but… it’s bedtime…
Little me: nooo, it’s adventure time!
Big me: …
Little me: …
Big me: well… I do love adventure time…
Little me: YAY!!! CARTOONS!!!
Old enough to be your father: aaaanddddd pay for it in the morning when the alarm clock goes off, then spend the rest of the day half crispy-fried, half collapsed in a heap. And that’s just Daddy! ???? Littles, on the other hand, are usually perky and fresh as a daisy… till they melt down completely, huh?
Old enough to be your father: Come to bed now, pumpkin. Let’s snuggle instead.