There is no such thing as the perfect dominant/submissive. There is only the perfect dominant/submissive for you.
There is no such thing as a perfect Tumblr blogger. We are all hiding something. The truth is relative, especially on Tumblr.
There is no such thing as the perfect couple or relationship. Every couple fights, disagrees, and has their hurdles. Some people just hide it better than others.
There is no such thing as the perfect body type, sexual preference, way to have sex, kink, etc, etc, etc, etc. The perfect anything is individual to each person.
STOP holding people on Tumblr (and in life) up as the comparison to your life and relationships. You are not a bad person because your D/s relationship isn’t as perfect as people you follow. Make sure that the people that you idolize are really worth your time and attention.
Be yourself. Look in the mirror and find what you love about you. Love yourself. Learn you likes and dislikes. Love your partner. Let your freak flag fly. You do you. Fuck what anyone else thinks.
#THIS ^^^^
STOP holding people on Tumblr (and in life) up as the comparison to your life and relationships.
Oh dear god yes! An extraordinarily good judge of character told me “the only perfect couples are the ones you don’t know very well.”
Never forget that those who post on Tumblr have time to post on Tumblr! I really shouldn’t have to say anything else!