


Men are not inherently violent, predatory, or dangerous. Any feminist project worthy of the name needs to acknowledge that this behavior is taught. The idea of men being biologically predisposed to being abusers or rapists is actively used against abuse and rape survivors / victims
(does the phrase “boys will be boys” ring a bell at all to you?) and will never, ever work in our favor.

Saying men are inherently shit is literally anti-feminism

Men are not born as garbage, they are TAUGHT to be garbage

That’s one of the whole points of feminism

Exactly! And part of our platform is the immediate need for change in how people view (and teach/encourage/spread) toxic masculinity!!

Um.  Except for some self-admittely traumatized 2nd-wave Feminists from the 1970s you’ll be extremely hard-pressed to find many feminists who say men are inherently violent, etc.

Even Andrea Dworkin, who was about as radical as they get, said the legal and social structure of society made sex in marriage indistinguishable from rape.  Because under the law at the time wives literally couldn’t legally say no to their husbands.  And therefore couldn’t meaningfully consent either.  Without the right to have “no” respected there’s (literally!) literally no such thing as meaningful consent!  But even Dworkin distinguished between social conditioning and innate behavior!

You know who does say men are inherently animalistic, low-impulse-control, predatory, and dangerous?  Anti-feminist men and (omg, especially) anti-feminist women!

Lorenna Bobbitt cut her husband’s dick off because he beat the shit out of her, drank all the money, and just generally made her life a living hell.  Was that a huge feminist triumph?  Oh hell no!  There were plenty of social and community services available to Bobbett in her town, including women’s shelters, abuse hotline, and counseling services.  However as a “good, conservative Christian girl” she’d been advised to stay with her abusive asshole husband and stay far, far away from them thar feminiisteres.  And so instead of doing any of the right things she could have done to protect herself she waited till she was desperate and terrified and cut his dick off with a kitchen knife after he’d passed out drunk!

If she’d been even a little bit feminist she’d have been safe and he wouldn’t have a franken-dick.  (Authorities found his dick where she’d thrown it in a field and reattached it.)

Oh, and check out “conservative” “Christian” stalwart Mike Huckabee thinks men are so perverted and aggressive that they’ll get goddam sex changes so they can peek or prey on women in restrooms!  (As if transwomen wanted anything more than to avoid being molested themselves!)  He’s also admitted with his bare face hanging out that since he always wanted to sneak into girl’s lockerrooms, all boys and men must want to.

Like I say, men and anti-feminist women hate men.  Fear them.  Want to control them.  In a way that feminists pretty much… don’t.

Do feminists get irked with men?  Sure they do!  But it’s because they believe men, like women, are human beings not animals.  And get pretty annoyed when they live up to Huckabee’s expectations of bestial behavior instead of, you know, human standards.

So, yeah, anyway, good luck finding a (living) influential feminist who says “men are garbage” or “abort all male babies” or any of the other booshwah misogynist pill holes like Rush Limbaugh, Mike Huckabee, Ann Coulter, Phyllis Schlafly, and 10,000 pedophile priests, adulterous preachers, and #metoo pundits squirt out their butts about “feminizazis.” 

Feminists are alright.