A message from @submissive-seeking for all the Littles in the community


(the gif at the end was her idea, don’t anybody blame me!! ;)

Hey there Tumblr!
It’s Mother’s Day – a good time to be a Tumblr mom type with a letter for my little friends and followers about some not so little things.
First, I wanna say all you little people are totally awesome and make me giggle. I’ve spent many a happy hour enjoying you messing with 144. And you bring out the “mom” in me while making it easy for me to just roll with it when my own little streak kicks in.
We are sisters and brothers of the subby hearts club
Okay, on to the stupid boring grownup stuff….
I’m imagining that some of you were upset the day I went away from Tumblr. I was feeling pretty little myself that day. I wasn’t feeling good and my medicine made it hard to be good at being a big girl. My words came out wrong and people started fighting and arguing about them. Some, even said I was a bad person, which made me so very sad that I’d used my words in such a mixed up way. So, I made the very best grownup decision I could for me. I just needed to be okay with me.
Okay, onto my being sick…..
My kinda sick isn’t going to get better. That makes me really, really, REALLY mad and sad. But the really good news is that all the medicines that made me feel even sicker are all done now. I get to feel better, even though I’m never gonna get better.
I don’t know exactly when, but before Christmas for sure, my sick will make me go to sleep forever and ever. Yes, it’s sad. But, no, it doesn’t hurt anymore and it’s not scary. Think of it like bedtime  – no one ever really likes bedtime, especially when you feel wide awake and wanna play! But sooner or later everyone goes to sleep. It’s just my turn is all. It’s my forever bedtime.
But, just like when you’re asleep,  it doesn’t hurt. I’ll be safe and snug in my own bed with my Hubby (like 144 he pretends He’s all scary and not secretly a daddy type) when I finally fall fast asleep.
I have some very important things you need to hear:
(1) This doesn’t mean everyone will get sick and go away. It does NOT mean you will get sick.
(2) It’s okay to be mad, sad, or scared – even all at once!
(3) Talk to your Caregiver(s) about your feelings. If you can’t find the right words, draw a picture, or write a story, or sing a song, or, or, or – just make a way to let your Caregiver(s) know.
You are perfect just the way you are.
I’m so very proud of you all for the biggest bravery of them all – being little in a great big noisy world. We big people have it far easier to go out and do grownup stuff. And, we risk far less when we let ourselves be vulnerable.  
You littles are the bravest of us all ….
I want you to do whatever you need to do to be okay – even if that means never reading or thinking about me and sick stuff ever again. It’s okay with me. I will love you anyways – so there!!!!!! THBBBLLLLLLLLL
Okay, time for me to say as Shiny would, TTFN
Group Hugs All Around
Love,Moi  <3 <3 <3 

@submissive-seeking will always be a truly amazing human being.  This is only a tiny fraction of a fraction why.  But it’s more awesome than some people’s entire lifetimes.