
I grew up in a poly household. My mother was married to two men who loved her dearly and they were the best of friends. I use past tense due to the fact that one of my fathers passed away a few years back.

I grew up in one of the most stable, loving households I can imagine. I had tons of support from all three of my parents, I never felt alone, and I never felt confused about my parents relationship.

Were other people confused when I told them about my parents? Sure. Did it take some time for them to understand my parents relationship? Yep. And the reaction I got every single time from other kids once they understood? “That’s so awesome!”

Growing up in a poly house did not hurt me, confuse me, or make my life difficult. It sure as hell wasn’t abusive.

Healthy poly relationships do not hurt children.

It’s hard to have lasting poly relationships. As hard as it is to have lasting monogamous ones.

It’s not the type of relationship between parents that nourishes or damages the children. Instead it’s the dynamics between the adults and their commitment to the children in their lives.

Not to be tetchy but “blended” families where parents are all “serially monogamous” also have two or more moms and dads in close contact with kids. Many of those turn out just fine too, so it’s not a stretch to see that poly partners who actually all still love each other would raise healthy families too.