i know this is a silly question to ask a stranger, but your opinion matters because you’re wise. is it lying or make me a bad girl if i stay closeted from my family forever?

That’s not a silly question at all! Questions like that sometimes mean a lot, don’t they, because there are often two or mor equally “right” answers.

I can’t answer it for you but maybe we can talk about some of the possibilities. I know you’re not the only one who wonders the same thing so thank you for asking.

On the one hand the things we keep to ourselves are often pretty private. Even if it wouldn’t worry or upset the ones who care most about us.

On the other hand it’s kind of surprising how often out loved ones already know. And are more respecting your privacy than being oblivious.

It’s also the case that we tend to internalize criticism way more than our peers or loved ones will, with the result that we’ll project way more judgment on them than they’d actually have if you came out.

But sometimes we really will burn bridges if we come out. That’s why you’re the one who needs to make that choice. And why I’m not going to say yes or no.

If it’s ok I’be got a question you can answer to yourself: how bad do you feel about not outing yourself? Because if it’s really eating you up not to then it might be a good idea to decide which would stress you out more – you staying quiet bs the reaction you might get.

It’s a good question, not a silly one. You’re the only one who can answer. But you may find you’ve got a lot of support.