Would you ever meet a follower for dinner? Like a date? I’m in NC too. You’re super cute.


Aww thank you, shades. That’s very nice of you to say. I’m not looking for anyone though. I have met a follower for dinner. It was fun.

Pants-on meetings fellow bloggers and followers is almost always awesome.  Years ago there were whole conferences just for sex bloggers and other authors and publishers and they were awesome!  And meeting just one to one can be very nice too.

Good reminder that “what happens on Tumblr stays on Tumblr” more often than not.  Which is actually fine.  If you’re, say, a teacher and you meet another teacher you don’t typically go “hey, wanna go back to my classroom and teach a couple of classes?”  And when two farmers meet for lunch you’ll rarely hear one of them say “wow, so, want to have a couple of drinks and then take me back to your places and hoe some beans?”

A lot of the time it’s like that when you meet people.  Even ones you’ve flirted with outrageously.  It’s a fun opportunity to say things like “wow, so nice to see your face after only seeing your butt online!”  But that’s almost always about as racy as it gets.

BDSM/kink folks have that wired with munches.  Doing or suggesting Doing Things at munches is considered very poor form.

Not saying it doesn’t happen.  But it’s very good not to expect it to happen. 

You may have giant brain-cell attraction to each other, but when you’re face to face your mid- and hind-brains are still thinking “woah, what’s this 100 to 200 pound (50-100kg) large primate in my personal space? 😂

I adore meeting followers and fellow bloggers when I’m traveling though.  Every blog and every post and every follower has one or more real, living, breathing human beings with complete lives behind it.  Meetings make it harder to forget we’re all really people and not just ideas or things.