I really like that “Dad look”. What are the key pieces to the essential Daddy wardrobe? I’m thinking like Dad jeans, white sneakers, plaid button downs, etc. Please be our style guru!!

The problem is that it doesn’t matter what you wear if you’re a Dad.  It turns into something a little goofy, a little frumpy, with hair that never combs quite right.

I get most of my clothes from Levi Strauss for pants and Eddie Bauer for shirts.  (Because they’re the only place that consistently has large-tall shirts.) If you want to really rock the Dad look you can go for Carhartt jeans instead.

Same with Carhartt t-shirts (again, long/tall.)  With pockets.  In primary colors.  (You may have to go to a construction-supply place for the real-deal colors and sizes.)

Only wear cargo shorts if you’re an actual Dad with small children (or small-regressed Littles) and only if you actually use all the pockets for wipes, band-aids, sunblock, sun hats, and snacks.  Because otherwise eww.

Also, only wear your white sneakers to the gym… and pick one that’s open super early or super late because when else are you going to have time to work out?  And FFS don’t wear fucking Crocks!  (Or let your children/Littles wear them.)  Keen sandals in red or green are good for summer wear.  But if you’re a serious Dad you’ll spend a lot of time barefoot because no shoes in the house!

To be a cool Daddy think Smallville-era Clark Kent outfits and you’ll be good.

To be a fucking awesome, older Dad, think Peter Capaldi in Doctor Who.

Or you could just wear what I wear most of the time: Levi jeans, short or long sleeve button shirt, and… that’s it. Just those two things.
