

TIL F Scott Fitzgerald (author of the Great Gatsby) once showed Ernest Hemingway his penis and confessed his worry that it was too small to satisfy his wife Zelda; Hemingway kindly reassured him it was OK.


Just kings being kings

If you ever wondered why men send dick pics!

It’s remarkable how important it is to have male approval of their dick size. And no, I don’t know why though it seems to be the same with women stressing about other women’s approval of boob size.

And it’s part of why men never seem reassured by women’s reassurances, or women of men’s assurances. A woman saying “size doesn’t matter” only makes it worse. Same as a man saying “it’s about shape not size.”

Guys don’t want to send dick picks to male authority figures for fear of seeming “gay,” but they’re basically never going to get the approval they crave from women. So they just keep sending and sending and sending them.

Sorry about that.