








Just stab the wool into shape

Is that what needle felting is? I though you needed some sort of base?

This is what felting is.  It’s a very good hobby for somebody who enjoys stabbing ^u^  what do you think I do all day?

Really thought he was gonna get a giant great wig….hoping actually

Wanna know how it works?

Those needles have barbs that catch and tangle the fibers of the roving (the term for that loose wool) together. The more you stab it the more tightly-packed and the more firm the object becomes. It takes a lot of little stabs to smooth out the texture on the surface and is best done with a single fine gauge needle.

Fun fact: the longer you use a felting needle the sharper it becomes, as the wool polishes the point.

This doesn’t bode well for your fingers but hey. It’s a fun art filled with cute projects, lots of stabbing, blood, and swearing.

Needle felting is 100% creative stabbing

Needle felting!  It’s SO COOL!  Yeah, you gotta watch for fingers, but it’s really not that hard.  And it might take a little longer to make an adorable little pig like the one in the video.  But it really doesn’t take that much longer.

And yeah, you really can pull together that much detail with that little effort.

I just spent an inordinate amount of time digging through old photos on a backup disk looking for examples  (I’d usually give the ones I made away.)  But one of these evenings I’m going to have to go pull out the supplies and, um, see if I can find out just how stupid Tumblr’s filters really are. 


But, yeah, needle felting is really fun!