
girls get just as horny as boys

girls get just as horny as boys

girls get just as horny as boys

girls get just as horny as boys

girls get just as horny as boys

girls get just as horny as boys

girls get just as horny as boys

girls get just as horny as boys

Nobody should have to say this eight times, yet oddly people have literally walked down streets beating a drum and chanting much the same thing and people still have to say it.

I could go on and on (and on, with references, citations, and social history going back about 4,400 years!) about women as active agents of their own sexuality instead of literal objects of sexuality for others, but instead I’ll just say that nobody should say “we don’t need feminism” until folks like @daddyscrazybunny​ and @radioactivepussy​ never have to say it again even once.