pansexuality is proof that there are more than 2 genders? and you are proof that there are many illiterate people in the world. open some science books but i guess you are too busy swallowing cum and being a dead weight in society


i never used the word proof, i said it suggests. I don’t really need any proof as long as there are people who don’t feel comfy being categorized as male or female, but I guess your tiny little science book brain can’t comprehend that.

as a matter of fact, there’s enough time for books AND cum swallowing if you’re good at time management – and I excel at it – but im pretty sure you’d actually have to leave your mom’s basement first in order to swallow some cum. Regardless of your gender.

Note to anon: Gender ≠ biological sex, chuck.

As @doe-lita says I don’t know if pansexuality “proves” anything.  But it does demonstrate what appears to be more than two ways to consider people that don’t involve checking their pants.  And don’t coincide with looking inside their pants.

Also, “if you’re good at time management?”  Ahahaha, that’s wonderful.