That feeling when…

You’re trimming your beard outside, as you do because stubble flies everywhere, and you realize too late that the #%!#% adjustable head was set to 2 instead of 8 and so you just look like you didn’t shave yesterday.


Oh well.  It’ll grow back.

Might as well make a little lemonade out of this and point out a couple things about hair grooming.

  • Somehow a bare face doesn’t leave me looking “prepubescent.”
  • Trimming with an electric trimmer takes only a minute (for better or worse.)
  • When my facial hair gets a little long it gets itchy and uncomfortable
  • I’m hopeful that it won’t go through that hair-growing-back itchy phase (tip: whatever parts you shave it’s almost always way more comfortable to keep shaving than let things grow back out again.)
  • When I shaved with a modern blade razor and shaving cream I was able to get everything bare and smooth in about a minute, in the shower, without a mirror.  Even around my sensitive lips and all the bumps, mounds, and hollows around and under my nose, chin, and jaw.  It was only uncomfortable if I let things get long enough to pull or tug on the razor instead of just cutting through the stubble… and long enough for the skin underneath to soften up again.
  • Trimming one’s beard with an electric trimmer, just long enough for it not to be prickly against someone else’s skin, is almost as nice as shaving it all the way off.  And way, way faster!  Which brings me back to…
  • Fast enough, unfortunately, for me not to notice my #%#!! trimmer was set to #2 instead of #8.

As with all body hair, in reality a gram of hair more or less doesn’t really make much difference, does it?