
@synestezja edit

Two tips for guys who send unsolicited dick pics: Sorry, champ, but there’s no right way to do it!

  1. The best “dick pics” aren’t the ones you take, and
  2. Nobody’s impressed with a pic someone else took while you were fucking them

This is not to say, by the way, that women don’t like dicks, or or enjoy seeing them, or don’t like seeing photos of dicks.  Ahahah!  In fact, ahahahahaha!

Mostly they don’t really want to see pics you or someone else took.

Here’s the key to all that: society says when it comes to sex men are the active agents and women the passive recipients.  But really, women, being human beings and all just like you, enjoy building and making things.  Including building your arousal and making you hard.  And taking pictures of what they make.  And a random dick pic showing up in their inbox?  You can maybe argue you got hard looking at her selfies, but you can’t say she built it, can you?

I often talk about sending forearm pics instead.  What’s the difference?  Forearms and hands remind people of what you could build for them!