Daddy threw his boot at me earlier when he got mad at me and it was scary but I don’t know how to tell him ‘cause I feel like it’ll make him angry with me


Fuck that. Run. Seriously. He throws a boot at you and you’re worried discussing it will make him angry with you? Run!

So just a little clarity here: D/S is to a rollercoaster as abuse is to a train wreck.  One of them is carefully planned and maintained to give you a trill, the other is a dangerous, unpredictable, and terrifying experience.  We typically say we enjoy a rollercoaster ride and survive a train wreck. 

D/S has some elements that might look like abuse, but really they’re as different as a rollercoaster and a trainwreck.

That’s what comes to mind when someone says “I don’t know how to tell him ‘cause I feel like it’ll make him angry with me.”

Know what a Dom should do if they throw a shoe at you?  Same thing a tapioca vanilla partner should do: goddamn apologize tout suite!

You know what it’s ok for a Sub to feel safe and comfortable doing if their dom throws a shoe at them?  Same thing a vanilla partner: ask in no uncertain terms what the fuck was that about?!?!?

Kink relationships are still relationships.  If you’re scared to have that conversation then it’s irrelevant whether you and your partner are kinky.

Discipline in D/S goes both ways: the Dom is just as bound to respect and adhere to the boundaries of your agreement as is the Sub.

When someone in D/S or any other kink steps outside of agreed upon boundaries, limits, and what’s consented to, regular relationship rules take over.  The “dom” has stepped down from their role.  Time to do what you’d do if any old asshole had chucked a boot at you:

Get safe, get support, but mostly get serious!  If the boot thing wasn’t playtime take it seriously.