Do you know how to squirt? If so can you teach me?


Get yourself a good vibrator & a toy which hits your g-spot. Go to town. Don’t think about squirting, think about having a bomb orgasm 😏

It’s important to note that not every person with a vagina can squirt and that is normal

Awesome answer!

Seriously, not everybody can squirt!  And in my first- second- and third-hand experience most of those who can find it more inconvenient than awesome.

I promise on a stack of creepy old Krafft Ebing sexology textbooks that there’s nothing weird, wrong, or unpleasant about squirting when you come.  But damn people go on like it’s some kind of holy grail!

Just because something’s uncommon doesn’t make it better.  It’s not a more “authentic” orgasm.  Quite a few women who come both ways say it’s a different orgasm and not particularly better.

Please note that I’m Daddy’splaining this mostly for the folks out there whose partners don’t have them.  It won’t make you a better sex partner if you make your sweetie squirt.  In fact demanding, expecting, or just wishing out loud that she could makes you a worse sex partner.  

Same, by the way, if your partner only has orgasms where she squirts.  Yeah, it can get pretty messy.  Yes, you may have to change the sheets or even turn over the mattress before you can go to bed.  And yes, needing to prepare can take a lot of the spontaneity out of sex.  It’s still fun.  And there’s always shower sex.

For the record, a very good reference for learning how to squirt, and about the g-spot in general, is still The G Spot and Other Recent Discoveries About Human Sexuality by Alice Ladas, Beverly Whipple, and John D. Perry, 1982.  If you’re even a little bit curious about squirting, g-spots, prostate stimulation, or the benefits of Kegels I solemnly promise that if you read that book you’ll become an infinitely better lover.  Really.