Howdy good sir! Something has irked me a tad and I’d like a second(or 12 second) opinion/s! Lately I’m seeing a lot of Ddlg posts tagged as sfw and ???? If I was at work and someone popped their merry head over my shoulder and saw someome with a pacifier in their mouth, or any of the billion other things that makes a little, a little. I’m 99% sure they’d do the vanilla “gross what the heck” crap. Is it me or is there a difference between like, sfw and safe space? TIA!


Yeah, they shouldn’t do that. One of the foundations of D/s is “consent,” and that includes the consent of random people who might stumble across a DDlg blog. By tagging our blogs NSFW, we are allowing people to make an informed judgment about whether they want to be exposed to our content or not. Some bloggers have a hard time grasping the fact that, to most vanillas, even things way over on the DDlg end of the spectrum are still seen as “perverted.”

According to his biographers, the Russian czar Peter the Great loved torturing people.  Personally!  (He was nothing if not a technology do-it-yourselfer.)

So one day he’s torturing some guy and the guy’s just not cracking.  Like the Black Knight in Monthy Python!  So Peter gets all curious and collegial and asks the guy what going on.  And the guys say “Oh, I’m in a torture society.  We get together and torture each other.  It’s fun.  You’re just not very good.  Try sticking a red-hot coal in my ear – now that’ll hurt!”

There’s exactly zero evidence that this torture society was a kinky society.  And Russians of the day being Russians of the day, both the czar and his prisoner would likely have been shocked and offended by the very suggestion.

I mention this because…

Not all Littles and their Caregivers are sexual Littles or Caregivers.  And, man, those guys get SO FRICKIN OFFENDED when you link to them, mix with them, or otherwise accuse them of any such thing.

You’ll surely encounter D/S partners who feel the same way, by the way.  Domestic discipline can be quite severe in, say, fundamentalist religious communities.  But part of the discipline may include ice-water baths and mutual flagellation to avoid having sexual thoughts at all!

Don’t get me wrong.  Some D/Lg types are seriously kinky while in Littlespace.  Others have regular vanilla or sometimes even kinky sex lives… but not at all while in Littlespace.  And some are Ace as hell.  They’re all into Cg/L for the regression part, not sex.

Just going to add that nonsexual Cg/L types especially hate being mixed up with DD/Lg, a form of D/S that somewhat overlaps D/Lg and Cg/L but isn’t really either.

It’s only a little confusing once you think back not just to Peter the Great and his captive (who, yeah, Peter thanked and then executed with no hard feelings.)  Or even just something as simple as D/Lg or D/S people who don’t do punishment or S&M.  

When you run into sfw Littles or Caregivers do what I do.  Give them a little respect.  Try not to repost them.  When you make a mistake apologize and delete any reposts that bother them.  Block them if you’re really worried about crossreferencing them – they’re unlikely to mind.