Is it okay if the sub correct her Dom like when he was spanking me i told him to be carful not to spank in an aera just because of my kidney. I have a problem with one them. He didn’t say anything to me but i feel like i did something wrong.




No you didn’t do anything wrong, you gave him important info! Ideally you and he would have had that discussion in advance, along with any other things to be aware of. But still, you did the right thing letting him know.

If he was spanking you in the area of your kidneys then he was already doing something wrong.

Good point. ^^

A “good” Sub or Little “should” always be obedient and deferential…

And a Dom or Daddy “should” always be expert and in control…

…in fantasies and storybooks!

But real humans make mistakes. Real partners help them catch and correct them. Without making a big deal out of it.