On the proper use of “proper…”


Me: I feel like a proper grown up when I drink an iced coffee! ā˜ŗļø

Hubby: Do you not feel like a proper grown up when Iā€™m spanking your arse, and fucking you from behind? šŸ¤”

Me: ā€¦ā€¦

Me: I feel like a naughty grown up when you do that. šŸ™Š

– A xx

Perfect answer!Ā  This makes me very happy!


truly what something is said or regarded to be; genuine.
“she’s never had a proper job”
synonyms: real, genuine, actual, true, bona fide; informal kosher
“Dan hadn’t had a proper job for over ten years”

2. of the required type; suitable or appropriate.
“an artist needs the proper tools”

according to or respecting recognized social standards or conventions; respectable, especially excessively so.
“her parents’ view of what was proper for a well-bred girl”

synonyms: right, correct, accepted, orthodox, conventional, established, official, formal, regular, acceptable;


1. satisfactorily or correctly.
“my eyes were all blurry and I couldn’t see proper”

Because, oneā€™s parentsā€™ possible views notwithstanding, actual goddamn proper grownups have consensual sex how they want with whomever they want.

Words likeĀ ā€œnaughtyā€ andĀ ā€œniceā€ are fun to play with in sexual contexts, but outside of their value asĀ ā€œsweet nothingsā€ but itā€™s dumb to use them to judge actual behavior.