As an actual feminist put it…

“In the end, all these two asswipes accomplished was showing the world that they are basically the Westboro Baptist Church of… well, I don’t even want to call them feminists, frankly.”

Sounds about right.

It’s not that there’s no such thing as TERFs. It’s that they’re so far out in right field actual feminists think they’re all assholes. Which they are.

Meanwhile, oh how convenient, the Manchester police have opened a hate crime investigation agains the human rights group the fucking TERFs disrupted. The reason? Well, you see, they’re saying the term “TREF” is a slur!

This as opposed to shrieking that trans men are lesbians and threatening trans women as rapists and voyeurs. Which somehow the Manchester police aren’t investigating. As I say, how convenient.

Just remember, gang. As analyst Lindsay Bayerstein put it years ago, there’s so much diversity in feminism that it’s hard to say someone else is or isn’t a feminist, but it’s really easy to say they’re a shitty feminist. Sounds about right to me.

They might not like being called TERFs? Fine. They’re dicks.