
me: i’m horny

me when anyone who’s not the one (1) person i made the post directed at interacts with me:

@radioactivepussy​‘s hashtags are really great too!

#this is about men who slide into my dms and send dick pics
#mutuals you are loved and welcome to interact

But.  Yeah.  I’ve mentioned previously that possibly the most embarrassing, humiliating, but also enlightening moment for me happened when a girl sitting next to me in my car, after we’d been talking for hours, pushed her hands between her legs and said “I. Just. Want. To. Fuck.”

And she did!  

Very badly. 

Just not by me.

Luckily I only said something like “me too, let’s go somewhere and fuck” as opposed to putting my hand between her legs.  But she clarified rather… well… clearly that I wasn’t who she’d had in mind.

Also, yeah, even if someone says “I want you, [your name here], to come over right now, this minute, so we can fuck each other, I’m texting you my address and GPS coordinates right now” then still don’t send her a goddamn pic of your dick, m’kay?