
I really wanted a spanking last night. I needed that release. I needed to be pushed until the walls broke down and the tears came pouring out.

But as much as I wanted it, I knew it wasn’t possible. Mini-me has been having trouble falling asleep lately and sound travels in our house.

@sous-sir could tell I wasn’t able to settle and wouldn’t be able to sleep. So instead of curling up on the couch to watch a show like we usually do, he sat with me and asked about all the things that were weighing on my mind. It was less than five minutes before the tears were flowing. We talked for a long time. He listened, comforted, made me laugh… then he tucked me in and held me while I fell asleep.

I might not have been the release I thought I wanted, but it was the release I needed.

This is D/s too 💜

This is soooo D/S too!  Release is release, isn’t it?  Spanking and other stereotypical/Tumblr D/S things are just ways to get there, not the “there” you you want to get.  Like, they’re means not ends.  Fun means, sure, but still not the intended final result.