Do you think it’s more common and accepted in the D/s community to have a large age gap between partners? Especially with dd/lg? My dom and I are both of age of course, but he has a little under 30 years on me.


That’s a hard question. Even in the D/S community there can be a stigma with age gaps. It’s really a pretty subjective thing. I have never had a problem with it. I’ve known doms and subs that were the same age, Dom much older and sub much younger, sub older and Dom younger, etc. In the Daddy Dom side I still see it happen, where a person will not understand that just because an older Daddy is with a much younger Sub it doesnt make it a bad or creepy thing. I think it’s more accepted than it was but I do see it. I caught a lot of flack from friends in the community once when I had a sub that was 22 and I was 40ish. I got called a lot of unwelcomed names and it really had nothing to do with her age. The sub I had before her was in her 50s. I click with people and when I do the age isn’t an issue.

I can only speak to my experience but I bet I have followers that fall on both sides of this fence. Some that thing age Gap is no big deal and some that see a problem with it, and even some that only see a problem if the sub or dom are below the age of about 25 and the partner is older than 40 or so.

It’s a good discussion topic to me.

I would say it’s not uncommon but an awful lot of the D/S and other power-exchange couples I’ve known or seen over the years have been within a few years of each other age-wise.

For whatever reason, with hetero couples the man is almost always either the same age or a little bit older than the woman.  Most D/S relationships are hetero so the male partner in most D/S relationships is likely to be the same age or a little bit older too.

Where things break down: the presumption is that men are always Doms and women are always Subs.  That’s certainly the stereotype, and stereotypes have way of making us see things that reinforce them and overlook or excuse away things that contradict them.  

And just so you know, decades ago statisticians noticed that back when marriage was the default, the best marriages by most measurements we’d tend to care about today were the ones where the woman was 5-9 years older than her husband.  I’m not saying those were always D/S relationship where the woman was the Dom.  In fact I’m guessing that particular age difference made for the most egalitarian relationship in a heavily sexist culture.  How or whether kink was involve isn’t as important because…

When it comes to kink age really isn’t as critical as a lot of hetero men and women seem to believe.