From the Top perspective, can you explain what appeals to you about age play? Why do you like to play “older/more experienced”? I understand the appeal from a submissive perspective but wanted to hear about the perspective on that kink from a Top.

Fair questions!

One summer when I was a little kid, maybe 2nd grade, I got to go to the local Boys Club during the day.  I learned how to play chess there and was pretty good, often defeating kids who were two and three grades ahead of me!

We had a chess set at home, and I was pretty excited about playing chess, so I taught my younger siblings how.  They promptly whipped my ass every single time.  I taught some of the other neighborhood kids.  Who also beat my ass!

So.  I wasn’t a bad chess player but I was a good teacher!  Not terribly surprising I guess.  I come from a long, long line of teachers.  (My grandmother trained with Maria Montessori, another grandmother was a preschool teacher, various aunts, great aunts, and my dad were all teachers.)  And child development specialists.  (My grandfather was a pediatrician who wrote… counting… twelve parenting books, my grandmother, again, trained with Montessori, etc.)

I’m also an oldest child.  And cousin.  And often one of the older kids in my classes.

I also loved being a (mostly stay-at-home) parent more than life itself.  It’s the only thing I’ve ever done that I never had to think twice about.  (This doesn’t mean I never made mistakes – of course I did!  But when I did I never dug in my heels and insisted I was right, if that makes sense.  Instead I adjusted, made amends, and parented on.)

When I was a teenager I was rarely the wildest of the bunch.  Instead I generally stayed a little more sober or less high or not high at all and as a result I was often the go-to person when someone was having a tough time.

So anyway, I’ve always loved learning stuff, I’ve always loved teaching stuff, I’ve alway felt good about taking care of others, I loved being an actual parent, and I was always usually the oldest child.

So as I said in one of my earliest posts I was always inclined to be a top.  And for years I imagined I was a Dom.  But I was never a very good one – wanting to teach just isn’t the same thing as wanting to be obeyed.  And wanting to take care of isn’t the same thing as wanting to punish.  (I love spanking, but not as punishment.)

Then, around the time my own children moved on to college I got introduced to D/Lg by a fabulous Little who had sense enough to introduce me to it slowly.

And it felt like coming home!

All the things I love to do and none of the things I don’t like to do?  All rolled up into a single kink?  Hell yeah I like it!  I’m a Daddy not a Dom and I like it!

Speaking of things I love: one of the great things about being a parent was when my kids would come home knowing more than I did about something.  (I’ve mentioned I love to learn!)  One of my children is majoring in economics and math, the other in neuroscience.  One of them can ski circles around me, the other can build a fire in the dark without matches.  I’m not dumb, and I’m not weak, they’re just good!

And something else I loved was when one of my children would come up and say “Hey Dad, can we…?”  A lot of the time I had to say no (no horses, no jumping off the roof to see if an umbrella works like a parachute) but a lot of the time I’d say yes.  Because they were great ideas.

And so as a Daddy it doesn’t bother me at all when a Little knows more than I do about something, or can run circles around me.  And as a Daddy I don’t feel threatened when a Little says “Hey Daddy, can we…”  I’m sure there’s room for that in D/S but it just feels natural as breathing in D/Lg.

Something else I loved about being a Dad?  Being there when my children were sad or tired or sick or hurt.  Doing what I could to help.  Listening and offering a shoulder to lean on or cry on.  Not hovering and helicoptering but being there, regardless.  That’s something else that’s nice about being a Daddy too.  If you’re up for playing let’s play, and if you’re feeling crampy instead let’s get you back rubs and hot packs and we’ll snuggle.

And finally?  There’s something that just lights me up in any sentence containing the word “Daddy.”  And doing anything together than ends with the words “good girl.”

If you’ve been through my blog (looks like this will be my 5,201st post!) you’ll notice that I tend to be all over the map in terms of things I like to do with Little partners.  And while I’m probably more drawn to adult-aged Littles than regressed Littles or Middles, as a father of actual grown children there are things I still enjoy (and sometimes miss) about every age from putting on pjs to bedtime stories to going to the zoo all the way up to college and career choices.  And so I’m perfectly at home with Littles of just about any “age” or of course actual age.  The only caveat?  You do have to be old enough for me to be your father.  All my actual children are adults.  (You can’t be a Little if you’re still an actual child!)

All that?  That’s why age play – having a Daddy kink – appeals to me.