
girls are still shaming other girls for masturbating…. like grow up and buy a fucking vibrator sarah it’s almost 2018

OMFG!  Please!

There used to be this cool progressive sex-ed-for-adult-women website called, I think “The Cherry?”  Anyway, I’ll never forget a video roundtable with the major contributors where they talked about all the pressure and stigma they felt about masturbating.

One of the real eye-openers was one who said “growing up we told each other ‘yeah, that’s something only guys need to do,’ girls are ‘better’ than that.”  And then she shook her head.

I mean.  Don’t shame girls for anything that isn’t literally shameful.  But especially not for masturbating!

(And as for boys shaming girls for masturbating, what the actual fuck?!?!?)