Pro tip from an older, experienced gentleman for low-information, zero-experience boys: There’s generally a pussy between a girl’s legs.  And a butthole.  And maybe a little butt-crack lint if you’ve been wearing flannel pajamas.  And that’s about it.  No butterflies.  No secrets.  Just a little anatomy.

Not to be a grumpy Daddy or anything but anyone who imagines your only “secrets” are between your legs they’ve got a pretty goddamn low opinion of you, don’t they?

Look.  It’s ok to like assholes with shitty opinions.  Or to be attracted to them.  Or even to prefer them over everyone else.  Lots of people do!

But you don’t have to listen to them, you don’t have to respect them, and you sure as hell don’t have to believe them.



girls are still shaming other girls for masturbating…. like grow up and buy a fucking vibrator sarah it’s almost 2018

OMFG!  Please!

There used to be this cool progressive sex-ed-for-adult-women website called, I think “The Cherry?”  Anyway, I’ll never forget a video roundtable with the major contributors where they talked about all the pressure and stigma they felt about masturbating.

One of the real eye-openers was one who said “growing up we told each other ‘yeah, that’s something only guys need to do,’ girls are ‘better’ than that.”  And then she shook her head.

I mean.  Don’t shame girls for anything that isn’t literally shameful.  But especially not for masturbating!

(And as for boys shaming girls for masturbating, what the actual fuck?!?!?)



There’s a reason Traditional men call their girls “pet”. 

Just like a pet, a submissive girl needs to know there are boundaries.  Fences keep in pets and rules keep girls accountable.

Just like a pet, a submissive girl needs appreciation.  She needs to hear “good girl” often to know she’s loved and valued.

Just like a pet, a submissive girl needs routine.  You walk your dog at the same time every day, and your girl should have a chore list and a time limit in which to complete it.

We call girls pets because we treat them the same as we would treat a beloved pet – by imposing boundaries, showing appreciation, and enforcing routine.

And that’s exactly what both pets need to be happy and fulfilled.


The difference being that “traditional men” actually fucking believe their adult, human partners are nothing more than domestic livestock!

The King James version of the 10 Commandments, which is literally as fucking “traditional” as Western Civilization gets, goes like this:  “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.”

In “tradition” women aren’t people, they’re a man’s things!  Just like his ox or his ass or his servants or real estate.

Meanwhile every legitimate kinkster understands that their partners are independent, autonomous adult human agents of their own destiny.  I say that categorically in the sense that anyone who fails to understand this isn’t a kinkster, they’re just loud vanilla.

So if I’m a kinkster I may call you “baby,” or “puppy,” or “teapot,” or use pedestal words like “princess,” or “angel” or even use judgment words like “good girl” or “naughty” to accentuate a shared erotic mood.  But in kink those words have the same semantic weight as paper parasols in a fruit cocktail – decoration only, not the truth.  The truth is we both know, and deeply care, that you’re your own grown-assed woman self.   

D/S, D/Lg, and other power-exchange kinks are awesome because they’re voluntary agreements between equal, autonomous partners. We play it’s the tropes and language of “tradition” precisely because it’s transgressive and therefore we don’t really mean it.

Tradition doesn’t just mean it, they believe it and go to extraordinary lengths to force it down everyone else’s throats. So fuck “tradition” and the oxen and asses it rode up on.


🌸 things u can submit:

– toys, stuffies, little gear, cute little stuff

– how you spend your days with cute little stuff

– cute little stuff you bought or got as a present and you wanna brag about it

– nice words, nice thoughts. nice manners

– ur dogs and cats please

things you cannot submit:

– gifs and pics with detailed description of ‘what you’d do to me’ shockingly i don’t care

– anything where you refer yourself as my daddy especially in third person.

– your dick. i will kill you i swear to god.

Ok.  So.

You run across who blogs about D/Lg or DD/Lg (or any other kink, or just plain old vanilla) sex and sexuality.  Maybe they post really hot captions that get you right where you live.  Maybe they post naked selfies doing exactly what you want to do with, for, or to someone in real life.  Maybe they’re even your idea of total, sex-on-a-stick, let’s-scare-the-horses, dick-hardening or pussy-drenching gorgeous!

And oh look, their Ask box is open!  Or maybe their DMs!

And they said something about loving hot, rough blowjobs and you want a hot, rough blowjob!  Or they post about wishing they had a Daddy who’d put them to bed and then fuck them while they’re asleep and you haven’t just always wanted to do that you want to do it right now!

So you whip out your phone, thumb the camera icon, whip out your dick, and snap a picture that you feel demonstrates your level of urgency… and you’ve been jacking off and your fantasies have been getting progressively twistier and darker so you mention what you’d like to do next and…

And then like a goddamn idiot you send it to them!

And guess what?  They’re sitting there eating dinner or showing their kid or their dad how to play a game…

Or hell, they’re just sitting there feeling Little and Small but not even a tiny bit sexual at the moment and…

And there your little bit of gristle pops up with a typo-laden case history that would make Dr. Kinsey want to cross their legs.

Guess how that’s going to land, champ?

Guess how happy they’re going to be about responding after they’ve explained to their boss that, no, really they’ll delete the app so it won’t happen again, please don’t fire me I really need this job?

Bottom line: Someone can be A Little but not your Little!  You might be A Daddy but that doesn’t make you their Daddy.

Even tougher?  Somebody might have just spread herself so wide you can see her tonsils, and write that she’s legitimately dying to choke on A dick… and still not want to choke on your dick!

Even worse?

Buzz, you’re not even the first dude who’s sent her the same message in the last 20 minutes.

And that’s the tragedy (for real!) of being hot in a public venue like Tumblr: one person posts something and 100,000 people can see it and want to do possibly very lovely things with… that… one person!

Even if they were totally game, nobody wants to pull a train with 10,000 boxcars.  KnowhutImean, man?

Look.  I know.  When you’re yanking or rubbing away and you just need that little something to get you over the top it might not occur to you that the person (it’s a person!) you’re about to send your anatomy sample to is a person!

And so it might be a little tough to just go ahead, finish, wipe yourself down, and then send a message saying something like 

“Hi, i really appreciated your last post.  It was pretty exciting and meant a lot to me.  Just wanted to say thanks.”

And then, maybe a few days later saying “I see you also post a lot of puppy photos, have you seen this one of the really cute puppy who just runs to their owner instead of doing the obstacle course like the others were trained to do?”

And just generally remembering that not only are they a real person, you’re a real person too!

People aren’t their kinks.  Kinky relationships are still relationships.  If you must send your anatomy send forearm or hand pics, not dick pics.

Yeah, they might live all the way across the world from you.  But you know what?  If you’re more than a dick to them they might be more than a cold shoulder to you!

Even better?  Do you have any idea how many perfectly marvelous, sexy, and thoroughly wild women quit posting or never start because they get barraged with unsolicited dick pics and invitations to receive rectal tears?  Just one would be too many but, buddy, it’s literally millions!

Don’t make it a million and one!

If someone says “no dick pics or I’ll block you?”  Don’t send them a goddamn dick pic, m’kay?

Just don’t.

P.S. If you’re a blogger and you still get that kind of shit from tweezers who can’t read?  You’ve got my permission to just block the owl whiz out of the pencil-peckered sons of bitches.

If your sub asks you to buy pads and you do. Isn’t that like she is ordering you?



Of course not. She is asking for the person whose responsibility it is to watch out for her to do her a kindness.

excuse me while i scream over the idea that these kinda questions are asked by literal adults 

“If your Sub breaks their leg and asks you to call an ambulance and you do, isn’t that like they’re ordering you?”   




Nothing personal, and it might seem funny for an older, experienced gentleman whose kinks are D/Lg and age play, but…

Go play with someone your own age.


You have no idea how much benefit you get from negotiating boundaries with your peers, of exploring your feelings and (when you’re ready) your bodies together with your peers.  

Kink relationships, even fleeting ones, even hookups, are still relationships!  And even when your bodies feel more than ready to try things on the big hill your negotiation, boundary, cooperation, and other relationship skills take between five to eight years to develop after puberty.  Trying to short circuit developing those skills with people who’ve already developed theirs (or imagine they have) leaves you with a lifetime of catching up.

In other words, adults and minors should not interact because it’s the law, or because of morality, or “what will your friends and family say” but because in practice it causes workability problems for connection, relationships, and adult sexuality.

The years from 14-18 might seem like forever when you’re a minor.  But to any adult they’re a drop in the bucket.  An adult who’s unwilling to give you room to develop and grow isn’t “experienced and wiser” because someone actually experienced and wiser wouldn’t put your lifelong sexual, emotional, and relational happiness at risk for a little bit of slap and tickle.

With all my heart, go find someone your own age.

If you’re really still interested we’ll all still be here.  And if you’re really still interested you’ll be worth the wait.

But for now go find someone your own age.

And same, duh, for goddamn grownups, m’kay?  You want to be a “minor supporter” then support goddamn minors and let them grow up on their own!




TIL: The majority of child abuse perpetrators are women.


By “majority” they mean “53.5%” which is an interesting number because more than 80% of abuse is carried out by a parent and if you check the proportions of families where women are involved v. families where men are involved it’s apparent that men are disproportionately likely to inflict abuse despite technically making up a smaller percentage of total abusers. Households with both a man and woman make up 69% of total parent arrangements, then 23% are single mother households, while single father households make up just 4%. So despite women being present in 92% of parenting arrangements while men are present in just 73% men still manage to commit almost half of child abuse, plus the data doesn’t analyse gender v. type of abuse and the figures cover everything from neglect to physical and sexual abuse and I think we can agree that these are not in any way equivalent forms of abuse (not that neglect is excusable but sexual abuse is clearly a worse offense). Yeah tho, this is why statistics matters, these numbers are meaningless without context.

And that’s how you lie with numbers, kids.

This is a kink blog but I’m going to take a little time out here to put on my social-theorist and parenting hats.  Folks looking for a giggle in their pants can scroll up or down but won’t find them here.

MRAs and incels, as usual, can all go  fuck themselves  to therapy.  So be careful around “statistics” of any kind if they’re waiving it around.

However, it doesn’t seem that controversial that human beings in power-imbalance situations would manifest both positive and negative behaviors in roughly equal proportions.  

If you really want to bring the gender social construct into discussions of human behavior you should be sure to factor in that it’s… well… a social construct.  But if it’s the case that abuse is typically a punching-down phenomenon, and if it’s the case that gendered adult women are more likely to be subject to abuse, and if it’s the case that children are more likely to be attended to by women, then it shouldn’t be surprising that slightly more women would be observed abusing children than men.

But oppressor olympics is about as unproductive as oppression olympics.  A gendered man reading “perpetrators are women” will feel as unjustly absolve as a gendered woman reading “nuh uh, perpetrators are men.”  But really, since abuse is typically a punching-down phenomenon, the common factor is that abuse is perpetrated on children. 

Children, I’m let to understand, come in all sexes, genders, identities, orientations.  Also in roughly equal proportions.  40+ years of serious research into physical, psychological, and sexual abuse of children (and others in power-imbalance contexts) reveal virtually no preference for victims by designated sex.

Children grow up.

When they grow up children tend to reflect the behavior that was modeled for them.

Children for whom abusive behavior was modeled will have greater difficulty recognizing and overcoming impulses to perform the same behaviors.

Look.  Playing the oppressor olympic is an asshole, gaslighting game because…

What if we made the fucking MRAs happy and announced that not roughly half but 90 percent of abuse against children was perpetrated by women.  Or conversely what if we made the shit-assed Quiverful trad-fems happy and declared that not roughly half but ninety percent of abuse against children was instead perpetuated by men.

Either way that would still leave a neglected reservoir of 10% of overlooked and therefore unchecked abusers modeling behavior to the next generation of… future potential perpetrators!

But it’s not a 90/10 ratio, is it?  No, it’s a rounding error away from 50/50.  Only an absolute floating turd would crow that a 3% difference on one side vindicates the other.  And only a festering rectal tear would fluff around confounding factors to conversely try to explain a 3% difference.

Human beings are profoundly capable of punching down.  If you think it’s important to dwell on whether more men or more women perpetrate then congratulations, you’ve internalized gender stereotypes!  Pick up your participation trophy at nearest Patriarchy will-call window.

Now I don’t mean to say that gender has nothing to do with abuse.  It’s got plenty!  Case in point?  Progressive educators and school administrators only began acknowledging and addressing “emotional bullying” in the 1990s… as a “female” form of abuse.  That’s certainly better than ignoring it altogether, and it’s certainly the case that once people started looking it was hard not to recognize that “mean girl” bullying was pervasive.  That’s certainly a start!  But, um, kind of gonna put it out there that, you know, boys commit emotional abuse too.  Failing to recognize and take that seriously is kind of like failing to recognize and take seriously girls beating the shit out of other girls in the back of school busses.

And where do all these  boys and girls  children learn emotional, physical, and sexual-assault behaviors in power-imbalance situations?  Oh, well, it couldn’t be from their custodial adults could it?  Not from men.  Not from women.  From adults.  Don’t be one of those adults.  Raise your children so that instead of becoming “men” or “women they become adults.  The kind that doesn’t model punching down to their children.

He would still be with you if you were better


Do you think I’m going to disagree with you? I’m not. I think about that a lot. If only I was prettier, skinnier, cuter, needier….those thoughts go through my head on a daily basis. What’s your point?

Gonna push back hard at that anon.  Because chances are no he wouldn’t.  “Better” is pretty much never the reason someone breaks up with their partner.

In fact, most people who leave their partner for someone else end up with someone pretty much just like their first partner.

It’s not because they give better blowjobs, or have a bigger dick, or make more money, or they’re younger or older.

Mostly they’re just not the person they’ve been involved with.  And mostly who we’re involved with is a “problem” only because we’ve piled enough of our other needs and necessity on them (dinner companion, healthcare aid, emotional support, financial partner, shared social obligations, parenting partner, shared entertainment and socializing, pet and house and car and garden care, etc.) that it’s hard to be spontaneous, vulnerable, or erotically intimate.  As relationship therapist Esther Perel says, when you stack up everything that contemporary couples have to rely on each other for the risk of knocking things over and the time and effort needed to make even small rearrangements becomes too high.

The consequence is often that separation is “easier” than starting over together.

This isn’t healthy, and it’s the cause of huge heartache.  But it’s a consequence of “happily ever after” thinking.  It’s a byproduct of believing a perfect relationship is 50/50 when really you both have to give 100%.  It’s a result of imagining a relationship or marriage is a noun and not a verb. 

It’s also why the best advice I’ve heard about breakups is “honor the person you met, not the one you separated from.”  Because unless or until you’re eaten alive by bitterness, chances are you’re both still pretty good people… who didn’t or no longer work out.

So, yeah, not to be harsh but @princesskrissylou’s anon is a soulless asshole who also happens to be full of shit.  Didn’t work out ≠ isn’t “better.”  Fuck cruel bullshit. Â