

There’s a reason Traditional men call their girls “pet”. 

Just like a pet, a submissive girl needs to know there are boundaries.  Fences keep in pets and rules keep girls accountable.

Just like a pet, a submissive girl needs appreciation.  She needs to hear “good girl” often to know she’s loved and valued.

Just like a pet, a submissive girl needs routine.  You walk your dog at the same time every day, and your girl should have a chore list and a time limit in which to complete it.

We call girls pets because we treat them the same as we would treat a beloved pet – by imposing boundaries, showing appreciation, and enforcing routine.

And that’s exactly what both pets need to be happy and fulfilled.


The difference being that “traditional men” actually fucking believe their adult, human partners are nothing more than domestic livestock!

The King James version of the 10 Commandments, which is literally as fucking “traditional” as Western Civilization gets, goes like this:  “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.”

In “tradition” women aren’t people, they’re a man’s things!  Just like his ox or his ass or his servants or real estate.

Meanwhile every legitimate kinkster understands that their partners are independent, autonomous adult human agents of their own destiny.  I say that categorically in the sense that anyone who fails to understand this isn’t a kinkster, they’re just loud vanilla.

So if I’m a kinkster I may call you “baby,” or “puppy,” or “teapot,” or use pedestal words like “princess,” or “angel” or even use judgment words like “good girl” or “naughty” to accentuate a shared erotic mood.  But in kink those words have the same semantic weight as paper parasols in a fruit cocktail – decoration only, not the truth.  The truth is we both know, and deeply care, that you’re your own grown-assed woman self.   

D/S, D/Lg, and other power-exchange kinks are awesome because they’re voluntary agreements between equal, autonomous partners. We play it’s the tropes and language of “tradition” precisely because it’s transgressive and therefore we don’t really mean it.

Tradition doesn’t just mean it, they believe it and go to extraordinary lengths to force it down everyone else’s throats. So fuck “tradition” and the oxen and asses it rode up on.