You don’t have to post this. I married my dom. They cheated, I left. Ever since my little side has been hiding. Scared to come out and be hurt so bad again. Your blog has helped my little side feel a little safer. Helped me realize that all doms are not bad. You’ve helped me find myself again and I know it’s silly, because I don’t know you, but I am endlessly grateful for your oblivious help in this matter. I hope you have a wonderful and fulfilling life from the deepest part of my soul.

My “oblivious help?” 💕💕💕  That’s me!!!  A truly older, experienced gentleman understands that he may be wise but it’s probably about the things he thinks he is.  

If you wanted to put one of my ongoing themes into pure D/Lg it would be “one of these things is not like the other one.”

I’ve found there are two big, big benefits to questioning or “interrogating” stereotypes.

1) Statements like “all X are Y” for whole classes of people aren’t very workable, let alone… well… true.  “You can’t trust all Doms” is as non-useful as “you can trust all Doms.”  Dominance is only one of literally thousands of characteristics in a 4-dimensional human being (including “over time.”)  But also

2) When you start questioning stereotypes you start to realize they’re not external truths but internal “truths.”  Which can mean the one thing all your stereotypes really have in common is you!  And once you get that they’re your assumptions or beliefs you can start to see perfectly lovely Xs who aren’t Y.

I’m so glad you’re finding yourself again.  Thank you so much for your kind words.