
girls laying their head on your lap and lazily playing with your dick

This!  It feels heavenly, you know.

Which reminds me: back on my old, old pre-Tumblr, pre-phone-camera blog I posted a series of dick pics.  I did!  It was a pretty established sex-and-society blog at that point, and I’d announced in advance that I’d be doing it.

It was pretty successful.  Got reposted all over the place.

It was a bunch of photos of me in bed, bright sun coming in the windows, with surprisingly nice focus and framing and depth of field and that was all well and good but what got the most attention was…

I wasn’t even a little bit hard.  Nope, just kind of all loose and floppy!  And, evidently, cute and cuddly.

Over the years I did post a couple where I was erect.  Most got at best polite applause.

A lot of guys grow up thinking we have to take charge for sex to happen.  We think anything to do with our dicks is sex.  We’re even a little conditioned to be surprised when we’re not horny but our partners are interested.  

And we’re somehow convinced the only possible way women could be interested in us is if we’re already hard.  So that’s the kind of dick pics everybody sends.


Just going out on a limb here but I’m going to say a hallmark of an older, experienced Daddy is he understands his LIttle’s going to enjoy lazily playing or nursing him when he’s not hard as when he is.  Doms and Subs, I don’t know about, but Littles who regress, and Littles at heart, are interested in their sweeties even when they’re not horny… and neither are you.  Well.  At first.

And if they manage to tease you hard in their hands our mouth?  It’s kind of awesomely erotic when a Little says “Daddy, look what I made” half-lidded eyes and a mad grin.