I always imagine my daddy and rough friends using me like a meat. Passing me on, commenting on how far I am, spanking me, making fun of me…. Is there anything wrong with me? If you are my father would you do that to me?

On having something wrong with you: There’s nothing wrong with sexual imagining.  Our fantasies are our own, and for some we can only thank goodness… and sometimes simple physics, anatomy, and biology that they can’t happen in real life.  The clearest example of this is “vore” kink, an evidently very satisfying though also impossible erotic fantasy of consuming a lover whole, or else being consumed by one’s lover.  

In sexual fantasies, as in our dreams and nightmares, we can imagine all manner of activities, and partners, that would be impossible, awkward, unfortunate, or awful in real life.  If they bother you you can seek advice from a therapist, who almost certainly will have heard “worse,” no matter how unique one feels.

On the difference between Daddies and fathers.  If I was your father I’d no more have sex with you and share you with friends than I’d really cook you and eat you.  Family relationships, even distant or dysfunctional ones, are too important to fuck up with sex.  A kinky D/Lg or DD/Lg Daddy, though, is not the same thing as a father, at all, at all.  As with any other kind of sexual or kink relationship a Daddy isn’t related to their LIttle.  And of course D/Lg being a kink, all partners are of an age where they can legally, competently consent.

Between consenting adults it’s possible to negotiate a kinky relationship that satisfies your imagined scenario of being treated roughly and passed by a “custodial male.”  A caring partner will accommodate their partner’s fantasies as best, as safely, and as responsibly as possible.  This may include really hurting them and really sharing them with others… but it can instead include roleplaying and subterfuge that leaves you safe, cared for, and above all, satisfied.  Because in the end a kink relationship is a relationship!  And relationship partners seek their partner’s satisfaction as well as their own.

Good question!  And best of luck finding a Daddy who’ll satisfy your perfectly normal and not all that uncommon fantasy!  (Really, yours is a fantasy that’s perfectly normal and relatively common.)