
Oh my fucking god! Carrying your children is the best feeling in the world!

Also, if Piers Morgan is so all fucking manly, let’s see if he can do canonical “manly” things like saddle, ride, unsaddle, curry, and feed a horse. If he can’t then he should shut the fuck up about what other men do.

Because here’s a little clue: Daniel Craig is a man. Therefore everything he does is manly. Same goes for Peewee Herman, RuPaul, and Piers fucking Morgan. Everything they do is manly too. Because they’re men.

Chris Evans nailed it: “masculinity” works by editing and limiting… amputating the full range of what men can do.

Also. Anybody Dad-shaming another man can go to hell. Jesus!

And finally, if one really wanted to play the petty Morgan style dick one might wonder what business somebody named “Piers Stefan Pughe-Morgan” has calling out anybody else’s masculinity. Overcompensating much, Steffie Pughe?

What a fucking troll.