
Submissive males

Absolutely disgust me, this goes doubly so for sissies. You have a cock, you were born to be superior, to dominate, to be in charge… But somewhere along the line your beta bitch boy took over and now you find yourself kneeling to a cunt who should be nothing to you.

I’m not a religious man, but one of the things the Christian Bible got right was that MAN was to have dominion over all creatures, and woman was to be submissive to MAN. Specifically her husband, but that’s neither here nor there.

If you’re not going to be a Dominant Male, then you might as well cut your balls of so we can end your pathetic contribution to to the human genome. We do not need you to reproduce, we need strong Dominant Males.

And you faggots wonder why your wives choose to be with a Man like me, instead of you. To reproduce with a Man like me, instead of you. It’s because you do not satisfy her need to be dominated.

So when I was a younger man a much older father figure — a fifth-generation mountain lawman who liked to hunt wild boar and bears with only a pistol — took me aside one day and told me

“Son, we’re all born with a bag full of shit hanging from a string around our necks. And the purpose of life, he said, is to empty as much shit out of your bag as you can… Without putting any of of your shit in someone else’s bag.”