Gonna be a pooter here and say…

Ethics vs. Morals. … While they are sometimes used interchangeably, they are different: ethics refer to rules provided by an external source, e.g., codes of conduct in workplaces or principles in religions. Morals refer to an individual’s own principles regarding right and wrong.
– Source: Diffen.com

So technically it would maybe be slightly better to say “no (externally imposed) ethics” than (internal guiding principles.) 

But really you probably want to keep a good eye on both, hmm?  Because “no means no” is an ethical guideline that some people may not have internalized, having not gotten the message back when they were 3.  And “I did that once and I still feel awful about it” is at least an implicit statement of your own moral guidelines.

See also the general case of “no strings,” or “no safeword,” or “no limits.”  Or in the business world “I won’t be undersold.” If you don’t have at least a little fine print there’s likely to be heartache at a minimum, sleepless nights, and possibly jail time if you really go overboard.

Please don’t get me wrong.  I promise I’m really not knocking the meme.  Saying things like “no morals” or “no limits” when you’re both hot and horny and just want to get down with others or even just yourself “no morals” is awesome way to express your feelings.

But unless you’re maybe the Manson Family or the aforementioned 3-year-old it’s just not, you know, not really true.

Quick question: how many codes of conduct, philosophical principles, social contracts, mutual agreements, personal integrity, and internal guiding principles are attached to “no strings attached?”  I rest my case!