
Whether I’m being a nice Daddy or a mean Daddy, there’ll always be a moment where you feel like this, soupspoon.  Wanted, protected, and cared for and about.

Nice Daddy’s easy to explain.  I’m always going to want you to feel good.  Good about yourself.  Good about me.  Good about us!  Mean Daddy’s actually pretty easy to explain too: no matter how rough we play I still always want you to feel good.  Good about yourself.  Good about me.  Good about us!


If your puppy starts nipping at you it’s important to quickly (but correctly) establish that this is not OK.

For example, if you’re playing with your puppy and they nip at your hand, calmly make a neutral noise, like “oops,” and immediately stop playing and ignore your pup until they are no longer in a nipping or overly excited mood. Once they’ve settled, give them praise and a treat if you have one nearby. This will show your puppy that biting means playtime is over and will only resume when they’re calm. It shouldn’t take long for your puppy to figure out that it’s better to be calm and gentle so they can continue to play with you, the most awesome thing on the planet, as far as they’re concerned.
– Randomly selected advice from the internet…


Mine to play

Yeah, yeah, “spanking is punishment.”  Except who wants to do it to someone who doesn’t actually, you know, like it?  Or who demonstrates it.  By throwing themselves into your lap with their britches already halfway across the room and going “what a day, huh, glad you’re home.”

I dunno.  If you want a real Daddy punishment it’ll probably be a long, involved talk about dispute resolution and impact of actions and inactions and blah de blah de blah.  Neither of us would enjoy that!

If you wear your lingerie for me, I’ll wear mine for you…

No matter what else we’re doing, an older gentleman knows it’s always a good time to kiss…

Played guitar for so long this evening. Now I’m thinking of you, saltycello.

Oh a good massage table can be so great for sex.  Not least because you can start with an actual massage!  Want to try?