I long to tell you
That I’m always thinking of you
I’m always thinking of you
But my words just blow away
Just blow away
– Cat Stevens

☑️ Hop on Pop? Check!
☑️ Strong hands guiding your hips? Check!
☑️ Holding strong fingers in your smaller hands? Check!
__  D/Lg at its best?
Oh yeah, sunbeam, no need to check!

Your normal hand in my big paw reassures me too, littlespoon.


Š Photo: Nicola De Luigi

This is my work, please don’t remove credits.

Oh, what they’re doing!  Let’s do that too!!!

Yeah it can be a pinky promise but it’s an adorable way to hold hands too, isn’t it, glitterball?

Close your eyes and imagine each of us wearing the other’s favorite outfits…

It doesn’t always have to be about wild monkey sex, angel.  Sometimes my fingertips and yours are all that really matter…

Though really the oldest form of bondage might be the best. Certainly the most intimate and direct, hmmm?