There are a lot of misconceptions about D/Lg.  For instance being Little isn’t always about pink polkadots, Skittles, and trips to the zoo.  Sometimes it’s just about getting perversely turned on when an older, experienced gentleman whispers “let’s get you out of these wet things, pocketwatch.”  


Maybe so. But pretty sure you wouldn’t mind if instead I looked in your eyes, softly caressed your cheek, and said “I’m going to bend you over my desk and take them off for you.”

Would you like that, kittycat?

Taking you out for dinner…

Slowly undressing you one piece at a time without ever stopping kissing you is another lovely kind of consensual manhandling, isn’t it, bunnywhiskers?

It’s not what you see that’s hot. It’s what you know, isn’t it? Shall we dance?

We shall.