
“Why is cocksucker one of the worst insults we have when it describes one of the nicest things you can ever do for someone?”

– person im talking to about mass-scale social brainwashing/political mind-control

This was basically the first thing I said on my first-ever sex blog a very long time ago.  I’m sorry it’s still such a relevant question!

anon who got blasted for pointing to the double standard of all the hellfire damnation against a woman who uses her wiles to get sex yet men DO THIS ALL THE TIME and we s types are told we should have vetted, we got in too fast, we shouldn’t believe men because they lie in the beginning. wasn’t saying she was right, but I was saying that there are now four screens and two days of posts ranting on her whereas women get a “poor dear, you ran into a bad one eh?” Nobody calls it rape when men do it.

Wait!  What?  It’s a whole array of crimes when men do it, same as women.  Who besides strawmen says it’s not?

Also, “wiles?”  WTF?

Assuming this is about the person who bragged earlier about “purposely forc[ing] my ex to have sex with me and lose his virginity” and also taking “the one thing he had that he couldn’t get back lol” where do “her wiles” come into it?

As for anyone… anyone who runs into someone asshat enough to dismiss a non-consensual encounter with “poor dear, you ran into a bad one eh?” I’d recommend

  • frosting them in person with a clear explanation of consent, harassment, gaslighting, and assault, and also not being an asshole 
  • if they’re on Tumblr, passing them along to @toodomforyou and others so they can be roundly mocked, shamed, and, preferably, shut down

Also, I’m pretty fucking sure warnings about vetting, going into things carefully, and not implicitly trusting tops isn’t limited to women Subs.  Submission and other forms of bottoming are just kinks, not gender, not identity, not chromosomes.  

Bottoms need to be careful, period, because bottoms put themselves in positions (sometimes literal positions!) of physical vulnerability, and do so with partners who, even with the best intentions, are still fallible humans and therefore capable of causing everything from benign neglect to lasting, traumatic injury.

To put it in completely non-kink terms, a rollercoaster isn’t even human but you still want to vet it before you strap yourself into it.  If it’s not safe you could get hurt.  Same with a human top.  Any kind, any sex, any gender, any orientation, any experience level.

Ugh!  There are definitely hordes of asshole men out there.  That’s not even debatable. And when they show up in our Asks we shut them down, just like we shut down women who do the same thing.

Consent’s consent.  Boundaries are boundaries.  Respect is respect.    Giving anybody a pass when they do it isn’t progress.

So here’s the scenario, Is it bad I purposely forced my ex to have sex with me and lose his virginity? I took the one thing he had that he couldn’t get back lol He was an obnoxious devout Christian with a purity ring so I wanted to take advantage of him the best way I could. I knew we wouldn’t last long term so I seduced him into bed at his parents house while they were on vacation visiting family. ???? He wanted to wait til marriage


Yes it’s bad. You should seriously look into therapy, you’ve obviously got some fairly pernicious mental health issues if you think that is “lol” worthy.

It’s worse.

He’ll feel bad till he “confesses” to one of his church elders. They’ll pay him on the back and say “the spirit was willing but the flesh was weak.” Because they have zero expectations of men’s sexual virtue.

Meanwhile the anon

  • Sexual assaulted what sounds like a minor.
  • Reinforced “obnoxious Christianity’s” narratives of evil “jezebels” who want to “take” men’s “precious bodily fluids.”
  • Freed the ex to commit similar assaults on pure and impure partners and ex partners.

I agree with @instructor144 that therapy would be a good idea for the anon. Most non-traumatized people don’t brag about shit like that. I mean look at how they framed the ask! Looking past the false bravado, the likely ages involved, and the fact they were with this “obnoxious Christian” long enough to call him their “ex” they probably ought to talk to someone who can get them some help.

What would you think of a sub who said sucking cock wasn’t a Sub thing? ????

So @instructor144 got an ask that went

“What do you think of doms who say eating pussy it’s not a Dom thing?”

I’m not going to take the easy way out and say they’re lazy or anxious “Doms” who wouldn’t eat pussy regardless. I won’t add that they’re just too big a pussy to eat pussy, and they’re using being a “Dom” to get out of it.

I mean, that’s the answer but it’s too easy to say that.

So let’s turn that damn fool claim around and see how the opposite claim would fly, shall we?

Back in the late 20th Century, when hetero blowjobs were still insanely taboo and women were still basically second-class citizens, you’d hear sleazy pornographers and pimps justifying blowjobs by saying, earnestly and unironically …

“A woman is never more powerful than when she’s on her knees with a cock in her mouth.”

So! Once you’re done laughing…

What would you say to a Sub who had a hard limit on sucking cock because having so much power makes it “not a Sub thing?”

I’d think they were full of shit and making up excuses not do it.

Just like Doms who say eating pussy is submissive are also completely full of shit.

What do you think?


• All aces experience their asexuality differently. •

Perfect!  I’ve honestly never seen an orientation that alarmed people more than asexuality.  “You must have been assaulted.”  “You must be really inhibited.”  “Have you had your hormones checked?”  All the sort of crazy things people used to say to “diagnose” homosexuality still turns up for aces.

It’s far easier to be in the closet about asexuality of course, and I suspect the vast majority of aces just never bring it up and nobody knows the difference.

But oh boy the scrutiny when word gets out!  

The first questions used to be all about whether someone is “really” asexual.  As if it was an all or nothing thing.  Like, do you ever have sexual feelings?  Do you ever touch yourself?  Have you ever kissed someone?  Have you ever had sex even once?  On, and on, and on, and if even one of the answers is in the affirmative the conclusion is either “aha, you’re not really asexual” or, more condescendingly, “so there’s still hope!”

Interesting statistic I read in a human sexuality textbook in the early 2000′s: the average lesbian has had almost twice as many male sex partners than the average hetero woman.  (I don’t remember the reasons, though I think it had something to do with the old “you just haven’t met the right man” meme.)

Continuing the “just haven’t met the right…” meme it’s likely that many aces will have had sex partners as well, also based on the well-intentioned and/or uncomprehending “you haven’t met the right man/woman” with the hopeful addition of “maybe you’re just gay/lesbian” and haven’t met the right partner.

Just as the old “touching someone else’s dick even once makes you gay for life” meme is also bullshit, so’s saying “if you’ve ever done Teh Sex with another human being you’re not asexual.”

Again, I don’t know why having little or no desire, interest, or response to sex makes so many people anxious.  

Anyway, yeah, asexuality isn’t just a thing.  It’s a spectrum of things.  Get used to it.


Actual Conversation

Him: Have you ever been with a real Master?

Me: Define ‘real,’ please…

Him: I have a dungeon room in my house.

Me: That’s great. But those are toys. Surely you know that doesn’t make one a Master…?

Him: I’m getting the feeling you top from the bottom.

Me: Actually, not at all. I think it’s manipulative. When I’m in a relationship I’m very obedient – and expect transparency. But I understand the dynamic well and want to make sure someone is a good fit – and that we view things the same way.

Him: That’s a top from the bottom attitude. Good luck to you.

Me: lolbye


This is why I always capitalize Sub as well as Dom.  Same with Slave, Little, Masochist, etc.  Because what’s the magic word behind, you know, submission?

I don’t care much for the whole “submission is a gift” meme because by the same standard domination is also a gift.  The gift meme is a good half step up from the entitlement Mr Masterly McMaster seemed to be laying on @subgirlygir.  But the real point of submission is it’s a goddamn choice.

“Do you submit?  Yes, I submit.”  Doesn’t get much more choice-y than that, does it?

So where the fuck does “topping from the bottom” come in when there’s no agreement to bottom at all?  That’s not topping, that’s just plain old-fashioned relationship negotiation.

Putting it in vanilla terms makes it even more obvious.  "We need a place to have a rave, can we use your place?” “Will you help cleanup the next morning?”  “Woah, woah, woah, good luck to you with that bossy attitude!”


Bwahaha. Amateur.

Nicely said. I’ll never forget sitting in a bar and hearing a set of lard asses opining that a receiver who’d jumped for an overthrow pass and was hammered brutally “should have had that.” When they’d have been hard pressed to get off their barstools without wheezing.

This bothered me then and it bothers me, most recently, with the brutal obliviousness of the sociopath @femdomunicorn was recently attempting to engage with.

Respect your Subs, Littles, Slaves, and Masochists. There’s a non-zero chance you wouldn’t last a minute swallowing what you think it’s no big deal to dish out.



reblog if you think women can be dominant and men can be submissive

I don’t think it, I know it.

Stupid that anyone should need to reblog this. As stupid as having to post reminders that women can be doctors and men can be nurses. Same with chefs and table waiting, pilots and flight attendants, etc.

But, yeah, people need to reblog it because some people are still too stupid to figure it out for themselves.

Dom and Sub are kinks, not genders.

Does it ever bother you how femdom seems to be treated as a joke, like we are some sort of anomaly? I feel like I’ll never get the same level of respect a male dom gets. :I


Yeah, I’ve had a few encounters with male “dominants” who told me that femdom isn’t real because females are “naturally” submissive and guys “naturally” dominant. I don’t really care. Since I’m also a feminist, I tell them that they should educate themselves and that’s that ????‍♀️

I’ve got no business saying it but I get so cranky about the word “femdom.” As though women Doms are such a goddamn peculiar phenomenon you have to use a different word!

I get further miffed because for most men “femdom” is a sex-work specialty, their incomes or “power” as utterly dependent on fulfilling their customers preferences as any other fetish worker. (Sooo many femdom johns want their employees to reinforce gender stereotypes via “forced feminization” and “sissification.” As though the very idea of masculine Submission were unthinkable. But I digress.

So in my book you know what you call a woman who’s a Dom? A Dom.

Do all women Doms have basically the same approach as Doms who are men? No. Same as all Doms there are a million ways to find satisfaction for oneself and one’s Sub.

Men who pull that “men are naturally” gendered bullshit need to get their heads out of their lazy, in-woke asses. They’re missing out on a hell of a lot of potential colleagues, mentors, and friends.

Actually, admit that you’re probably just a sexual human being who wants to do utterly normal things that sexually active adults enjoy doing but don’t necessarily admit to the knee-squeezing prudes in church.

Honestly, why do folks who’s sexuality is so distorted and repressed they can only tolerate PIV intercourse with the lights off, under the covers, till male ejaculation, and only for reproduction get off calling everything else “perverted?!?!?”  What the fuck is up with that?!?!

See also old-school industrial pornographers, who routinely market their generally boring shit as “eXXXtreme,” “filthy,” “outrageous,” “shocking,” etc.  (I swear most those guys – and they’re mostly guys – are every bit as prudish as Sara Huckabee Sanders and Rick Santorum!)  Â