


So.  As an old hippie I’m actually pretty sanguine about other people’s bathing habits.  And while everyone has “morning breath” in the morning, it’s typically worse for us than it is for our partners.


There’s a mile of difference between “don’t wash your hair on my account, pumpkin” and “I won’t brush my teeth on your account!!!”


The other day someone mentioned they appreciate older men because we’re more likely to bother showering or at least washing below the belt before asking a date for a blowjob.  Because, they said, younger men are either too clueless or too entitled to bother.

There’s a weird “snowflake” characteristic in misogyny/incel culture where it’s felt women should love men “as they are,” no matter how outwardly unkempt, unhygienic, impolite, inconsiderate, or out of shape.  

These are usually the same kind of guys, incidentally, who’ll totally lose their lunches if a woman has an ounce of excess body fat, any evidencce of genital arousal, a single hint of stubble, or anything less than perfect nails or makeup.

They’re often eager to “face fuck” their partners “like the whore they are” but… don’t like to be “told to do stuff.”  Like brush their fucking teeth!?!?!?

Last little bit of a clue: they don’t say “fuck you, you’ll smell my breath and like it.” Instead they passive/aggressive out and say shit like “find someone you think is better than me!”  WTF, champ, self-esteem much?!?!?

And yeah, I’m making a HUGE assumption that the reluctant texter was a guy – there certainly are women who don’t attend to their personal hygiene as well.  But I’ll give you a nickel if the respondent wasn’t a guy.

Look.  Dudes!  Trust me on this!  It’s not the case that women only want “alpha” males.  It’s not the case that they don’t want “beta” males!   “Hypergamy” is substantial bullshit, and the tiny sliver of it that isn’t is badly misunderstood.  Even though it’s, like, incel bible verses.

You don’t have to be ripped, or rich, or have an awesome car, or a job to be attractive to surprising numbers of women.  But, dudes, you gotta brush your teeth!  Maybe change your shirt.  Definitely shower.  Absolutely wipe your butt!!!

Pro tip from an older, experienced gentleman: half a jug of Axe Body isn’t better than a two minute shower and a little soap.

If you believe that “hypergamy” bullshit then you’re just going to run yourself into the dirt till you make yourself actually, literally unattractive, undesirable, and possibly unlovable.  But that’s not on women, that’s on you!

Learn to accept what you can’t control, as the old parable goes.  But get a goddamn handle on what you can control.  Trust me.  This works better than some of you evidently could believe.


someone said ‘the version of me you created in your mind is not my responsibility’ and wow

This is actually pretty important.  We all know to avoid stereotyping someone the first time you meet them.  But we can stereotype those we’ve known and loved for years and years too.  




The Tumblr censors have lost it.  Tumblr is now the most censored media site in the entire free world.  And at the same time, they still can’t seem to find all the porn that is still here.

Thank you Miss-B-Having for the inspiration.  Being a pig… I couldn’t resist adding the penis reference.  :))

Bwahahahahaha! SO TRUE! They censored my LIPS for God’s sake 🤣 the ones on my FACE (clarifying because….Tumblr lol)

Honestly, it’s a joke! I’m sick of the most innocent things being flagged and then my blog being flagged! GET IT TOGETHER @staff

Heh.  Verizon spent, like, $1.3 billion U.S. on Tumblr, now they’re selling it for $3 million U.S.  Pretty much guessing the only “algorithm” they can afford is “if the screen has any of 64,000 skin-like colors and anything that might be a curve then what the hell, filter it.” 😂

“enbies” lmao fuck off they’re a disgrace to real trans people


Lmao okay you edgy anonymous coward

Not to seem old or out of touch or locked into definitions of terms but how the actual hell are non-binary people (”enbies”) trans in the first place?

I mean, yes, there’s transitioning from your assigned gender.  And if you like you could make a case that non-binaries stop at the “from” part.  But (again, maybe this is just me being a terminology stickler) one usually thinks of transgender and transexuals transitioning to a gender.  Which sort of by definition non-binary folks aren’t into.

My sincere apologies if I’m just being clumsy and clueless about the details.  But the anon sounded like they were non-binary shaming and that doesn’t make me very happy.

Stop Pretending ‘Trap’ has Nothing to Do with Trans Women

Stop Pretending ‘Trap’ has Nothing to Do with Trans Women

You don’t think knowingly contributing to paedophilia culture is disgusting?


no, i dont think my kink is disgusting. internets are full of pages that’ll explain the difference to you 

Right?  Contributing to sexual exploitation of minors is definitely disgusting.  But seriously, D/Lg is to pedophilia as Furries and pet players are to bestiality.  And nobody in their right minds says adults with fir suit or pet play kinks “really” wish to have sex with animals instead.  Similarly no adults with a D/Lg kink want to have sex with minors.  Because in both cases, ewww!














I hate men so much they literally are like this. Purposeful incompetence to avoid responsibilities they don’t want …………… the comments on this post on fb were So bad

Save the leftovers. Throw the whole man out.

Imagine being this fucking petty over a reasonable request to do even a fraction of the share of housework, and thinking you’re a good partner.

Makes you understand how so many dudes can be clueless and full of shit on so many other topics, too.

I hope his wife poured a glass of spaghetti and gulped it slowly while making steady eye contact with him as her lawyer presented the divorce papers.

“Haha, that’ll TEACH my wife!!”

Dude, you’re supposed to LOVE her. I hope she sees this and dumps your worthless ass. While she has that glass of spaghetti.

#marie kondo your marriage

Don’t put up with stupid. If your husband or boyfriend does this may I suggest… well… treating him like the idiot he pretends to be? Use it as a “teaching moment.”

“Honey come here. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you didn’t know what Tupperware you have to use. Here, let me explain every container we have. That way the next time you have to put food away you know which container to use.”

And then proceed, in excruciating detail, which containers are which, what they are used for, the correct lids, and how to put on the lids. Do it in as condescending voice as possible.

If he tries to say that he knows, or tries to stop you in any way, just calmly say, “no, you shouldn’t be embarrassed by this. It’s okay to admit you don’t know how to do something. Next time just ask, sweetie.” And continue in as much inane detail as possible.

If he tries this bullshit again, pat him on the head, and say “good try, but let’s review” and then do it all over again.

or maybe just, you know, dump the whole husband???

yes, the entire man

“How dare Woman ask me, A Man, to Do Things To Help Around The House!”

– Literally the mentality of the person who did this

I mean, I’m an absolutely terrible housekeeper even discounting my fucked up body and my depression and ADHD

But even before I became cognizant of my bullshit I wasn’t THIS asshole

Plus this wasn’t a case of them either not being able to help or else meaning well but making a mistake here…the asshole who did this literally just did it to try and get their wife to not ask them to help out again

Like its totally fair to have trouble with housekeeping and stuff if some tasks are hard to do for one reason or another either physically or because of things like depression and ADHD but this guy literally just got offended at their wife asking them to put some spaghetti in the fridge in a container and decided to be a dick and do the Worst Possible Job At It just to be a jerk to someone who loves them… 

My ex husband was a master at this. At 7 months pregnant and STILL puking into ziplocs 15 times a day, he claimed not to know how to make egg salad and wheedled until I got out of bed and made a batch. He then grinned and confessed he knew how, he just hadn’t wanted to expend the effort.

So my next vomit party (like maybe 3 minutes later, it was extreme when I wasn’t medicated) I aimed for his sandwich, because fuck that.

Don’t ever try to manipulate me through feigned incompetence. I will make you pay through the nose for it.

Ok.  So.  A few years ago a really popular meme on anonymous married women’s sex blogs to say “there’s nothing sexier than a man who does housework.”

Extensive research and followups say this isn’t actually true.

Women are turned on by basic worthiness

This isn’t the same thing as the stupid misogynist/incel meme that women only “give” sex as a reward.  Boy, it’s not that she’s going to “reward” you for putting away the goddamn spaghetti right.  It’s that nobody wants to fuck a contemptible loser.  And that shit right there?  Putting spaghetti in a goddamn knockoff Rubbermaid juice container?  Ahahaha, what a fucking toolbag!  Nobody wants to fuck a toolbag, champ.  That’s just not gonna start.





The doctor I went to last week was looking over my history and he said “Endometriosis?” and I said yes. And he said “Is that just your speculation or have you actually been diagnosed?” and I was like “I have been cut open three times for it so I hope it isn’t just speculation.” and he just looked at me and said “Females tend to diagnose themselves” and without missing a beat I said “Well I hope you do your job so I don’t have to.” 


Well we seem to know our bodies better than the most of the fucking doctors

I would’ve been out the door at the word “females.” FUUUUCK that doctor.

Yeah.  Men who say “men and females” and women who say “women and males” are… 

It’s not so much that they’re jerks or mys**ists, though of course they can be that too.  It’s just sad that they’re so alienated they can’t recognize members of their own fucking species as fellow human beings!

Women aren’t from Venus. Men aren’t from Mars.  Men and women are from planet Earth.  We’re not “different as night and day.”  In fact we’re not even goddamn yin and yang!  The sooner we stop looking at the real but relatively small actual differences the sooner we can start looking at all we have, overwhelmingly, in common.


Bottom line: “Females” and “males” should be used only by veterinarians and botanists.


me: i’m horny

me when anyone who’s not the one (1) person i made the post directed at interacts with me:

@radioactivepussy​‘s hashtags are really great too!

#this is about men who slide into my dms and send dick pics
#mutuals you are loved and welcome to interact

But.  Yeah.  I’ve mentioned previously that possibly the most embarrassing, humiliating, but also enlightening moment for me happened when a girl sitting next to me in my car, after we’d been talking for hours, pushed her hands between her legs and said “I. Just. Want. To. Fuck.”

And she did!  

Very badly. 

Just not by me.

Luckily I only said something like “me too, let’s go somewhere and fuck” as opposed to putting my hand between her legs.  But she clarified rather… well… clearly that I wasn’t who she’d had in mind.

Also, yeah, even if someone says “I want you, [your name here], to come over right now, this minute, so we can fuck each other, I’m texting you my address and GPS coordinates right now” then still don’t send her a goddamn pic of your dick, m’kay?