
Anyone feel like an older gentleman’s hand would feel really good right about now, pressing between your shoulders with just enough authority that you know you couldn’t rise, even if you wanted to, while his other hand roughly yanked your skirt or shorts or pjs or tights down around your knees and spanked you… not hard but solid and thudding… till your panties were soaked and then slipping them down and fingering you gently but relentlessly till you shivered? And sighed. And came. Again?

My hands.

My mood.





Forearms for @xxxamorexxx’s hand porn collection


Because when you’re as old as I am and work with your hands, even if it’s mostly typing these days you gotta keep your wrists and hands flexible, don’t you?

It’s another one of those old-man Monday’s… well. Over in Europe maybe. I mean it’s still Sunday here in the Pacific time zone. But I’ve gone and worked out again and I’m too properly exhausted to quibble. 😼

Pretty fucked up of Tumblr that I can post topless selfies but you can’t…

Pretty fucked up of Tumblr that I can post topless selfies.

Funny how I was basically crippled with asthma till nearly age 30. 6’4” and about 140 pounds. Horizontal stretch marks on my hips from growing just short of 12 inches in just over 12 months. Sunken chested and so skinny my tummy was concave under my ribs!

Thank goodness for albuterol inhalers though! Started exercising in earnest in my late 30’s. Hit my peak fitness maybe 10 years ago.

I’m older now -old enough to be the father of far more than half the worlds population. (And boy is my dick tired… no, wait! 😂)

But it still feels good to have been getting back to the gym.

Cause Now I’m a D/Lg Daddy I ought to be able to put around half the worlds population over my shoulder and carry them to bed, patting and squeezing their cute little upturned asses as we go up the stairs… don’t you think, tatertot?