For all that Tumble doesn’t see this as an intensely sexual activity, isn’t it, fairy princess?

The fun thing about D/Lg or pet play vs regular sex is getting to take perfectly ordinary situations and add…

“Want to play feeding time for baby goats at the petting zoo, kittywampus?”


Note: I don’t think the algorithms balk at drawings?  Anyone know?  I do like posting actual sexual situations but don’t at all want to end up getting filtered.


If your puppy starts nipping at you it’s important to quickly (but correctly) establish that this is not OK.

For example, if you’re playing with your puppy and they nip at your hand, calmly make a neutral noise, like “oops,” and immediately stop playing and ignore your pup until they are no longer in a nipping or overly excited mood. Once they’ve settled, give them praise and a treat if you have one nearby. This will show your puppy that biting means playtime is over and will only resume when they’re calm. It shouldn’t take long for your puppy to figure out that it’s better to be calm and gentle so they can continue to play with you, the most awesome thing on the planet, as far as they’re concerned.
– Randomly selected advice from the internet…

Ahaha. All you have to do is ask, right, kittycat?