Why spanking has never seemed like that big of a “kink.”

It makes sense that we’d get pleasure out of that kind of rhythmic contact.

That said it also suggests that spanking as non-kink punishment is really, really fucked up!

From time to time folks point out, somewhat correctly, that so much of power kink involves sexualizing traditional gender and especially patriarchal oppression.

I’d like to turn that on its head.  Impact play on the buttocks, kneeling, nudity, bondage, ass play, hair pulling, oral sex, and all the other activities and positions we associate with dominant and submissive sex are actually just normal things human beings enjoy when we’re in heat.  Sort of like deer or goats clash their antlers when they’re (literally!!!!!) horny and mostly just eat plants and avoid predators the rest of the year.

Looking at it this way what’s really fucked up isn’t that we sexualize patriarchy and oppression, it’s that we’ve patriarchalized sex!

Forcing a child to present their buttocks for striking is painful and humiliating precisely because the ass is an erogenous zone, because impact on the buttocks is stimulating, and because presenting buttocks is one of the ways humans invite their partners to penetrate their vaginas and anuses.  And yet the child is coercively subjected to this sexualized experience by individuals who are neither wanted nor appropriate.

Forcing a vassal or prisoner to prostrate themselves or to kneel is humiliating because that’s perverting the sensible position one must be in if one wishes to take their lover’s genitals in their mouth.  

Let’s not even start with the subversion of deference behind calling non-sexual partners “sir” or “mam!”

And so on.

The point isn’t really that BDSM is a perversion of patriarchal behavior.  Instead patriarchy has perverted so many normal erotic behaviors by turning them into non-sexualized, non-consenting secular forms of oppression.

I’m dead serious about this by the way.  The early, truly radical feminists who radicalized me argued persuasively that we literally couldn’t recognize and literally couldn’t imagine what our relationships would be like once patriarchy was smashed.  They also argued, correctly, that patriarchy is so deeply ingrained that it may be impossible to completely untangle ourselves from it.  So when I raise crazy-sounding challenges like this – that rather than D/S playing off of patriarchy that patriarchy instead perverts and subverts normal human sexuality I… I’m sorry but I don’t think I’m being all that crazy!

I’d just add that I’m trying to subvert the patriarchy when I argue, as I often do, that it’s weird that D/S is so gendered, or that it’s weird that we don’t see more women dominating men or men submitting to women (in non-”sissy” ways), or when I wonder why more Doms don’t demand that their subs erotically spank or choke them.  We’ve got maybe 90-95% of the same nerve endings, anatomy, and chromosomes, brain structures.  Odd then, isn’t it, that we choose to include or exclude how we stimulate each other based on gender?


Today on “WHY ARE MEN”.

(Ahaha.  Men do this, sure, but not just men!)  Yeah, that notion that men are “automatically” dominant and women “automatically” submissive is another one of those tropes that’s got to go!

Social experiment: There’s a well-researched phenomenon where when people buy a model of car that’s new to them they “suddenly” notice how many other people have the same car.  Welp, same thing with kinks.  So here’s that experiment:

For a week try on the idea that equal numbers of men and women are naturally Dominant, and equal numbers are naturally Submissive.  Instead of noticing all the men who might be Dominant, or women who might be Submissive (easy, default, the stereotyped assumption) keep an eye out and start asking which people are Dominant or Submissive.

If you don’t like it then after a week you can go back to living in your comfortable stereotypes and cultural biases.  It’s ok, really – chances are good you’ve spent your whole life living that way, and so chances are good nothing bad will happen to you if you never stop thinking “Dom = has a dick” and “Sub = has a pussy.”  Really!

But once you start looking you might start seeing!  And might start having better luck in your relationships if you happen to be a Dom or Sub of any sex or orientation.

So yesterday my “daddy” let me go hang out with one of my friends.. he gave me some medical candy for my migraine cause we didnt have it to go get ourselves… but It is effecting me badly and I KNOW by how I feel there was more than should have in candy… and I don’t wanna tell said daddy cause I know how he will react …. idk what to do… and the one person I wanted flat out said they cant be there… help…


Okay, I’m only guessing here

Your friend I think is the one that gave you the “candy” for your headache because your Daddy didn’t have it at the time
 is that correct? 

You should tell your Daddy what happen so that he can watch over you and see if any other side effects occur from this tainted piece of “candy”.

You should let your Daddy take care of you and let him talk to this so called friend, see if the friend knew about the “candy” having any extras added in or not before anything else happens. Then you need, along with your Daddy, to figure out is this friend should be in your life anymore because if they knew that the “candy” had extras and didn’t tell you, that is no fucking friend to you at all!

Remember, good girls are honest with their Daddy, and in this case, you should be really honest with him so he can protect you. 

To paraphrase @instructor144  “Everybody wants to be a Little till it’s time to do grownup shit.”


D/Lg notwithstanding, when you’re talking about uncomfortable or bad consequences of consuming drugs of any kind (maybe just pot, maybe even proper prescription medication) then it’s time to step out of “little girl” land, pull up your grown-up pants and use real words.

“My partner let me hang out with one of my friends.  I had a migraine and my friend gave me something because I didn’t want to go get what I usually/reliably take.  It’s affecting me badly and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t what my friend said/thought it was.  I had or am having a bad reaction and the one person who can usually help me isn’t available.”

Put it in that perspective and that last bit where the straight talk is “so I’m asking a total stranger on the internet what to do” becomes even more WTF!!!

You know what you do when you take a bad drug?  

  1. You don’t call it “candy.”  Not even if you’re a goddamn meth addict – you can lie to yourself but you can’t lie to your metabolism.
  2. You call poison control and try to identify what was in the substance you took
  3. Even better, you go to an urgent care clinic, your doctor’s office, or the emergency room and say you’re having an adverse drug reaction.

You can call your partner whatever you like when everything’s hunky-dory, but when you’re in medical trouble you call your partner and tell them what’s going on.  No double talk.  No baby talk.  No euphemisms.  And no goddamn anonymously trying to hook random strangers on Tumblr into your drama or your responsibility.

If you can’t grow up when you need to you’re not a Little you’re an out-of-control wreck.

Hint: “The Bitch in Apartment #23?”  Out of control trainwreck, not a Little!

“Bratty subs and littles” make a lot more sense once consider that maybe they’re actually Doms and their nominal “daddies” and “doms” are their Subs.

Because that “gets what I want” doesn’t really fly with me, pugsley.


as a rule, you should never initially approach someone’s inbox like this.

but if you do? this is how it should go.

Here’s the thing.  Even if you’re looking for something more than someone to rub one off to to while roleplay sexting, you don’t come on as if there’s already a relationship there that’s not.

Even if the person you’re approaching isn’t clearly in a committed relationship.  

Don’t call someone “good girl” till they’ve let you know they’re interested.  Don’t start with “Hi, Daddy.”  Not a dick pic.  Not a pussy pic either.

Yes, it’s brave to make contact – takes more courage than most recipients can possibly understand!  And often when you make contact you’re already horny, or lonely, maybe a little high or drunk, or maybe you’ve just said “fuck it, maybe they’re the one.”  

But you’ve still gotta be a person first.  People, then play.  Just works better that way.

Even if you just start out by resending one of their own posts or reposts and add “oh my god, this gets me every time, thank you for posting it!”  And see what they say.  

Sometimes they might not respond.  It’s probably not personal.  They might be involved.  They might be busy.  They might be even more shy than you are!  They might get 300 similar messages a day.  They might only post when they’re depressed, or have insomnia, or to share with their partner while they’re away.

Lots of reasons that aren’t personal.  

Which is why personal messages are so much more likely to get through than “good girl, want to hear a naughty story” or “Hi Daddy, want to see my heinie.”

For the record what she’s doing?  That’s topping.   Coaxing, edging, sympathizing or taunting our partners as they beg but never relenting, teasing with absurdly feathery touches or licks, and ultimately owning your partner till you finally, finally, finally allow them to burst?  Yeah, that.

We get so tied up in mainstream and “traditional” gender and kink stereotypes we overlook the dynamics literally right in front of our faces.

“Oh, you’re on your knees so you must be submitting.”  Heh!

Now obviously one (literal) swallow does not a summer make.  But if you find yourself in this kind of situation more often than not, congratulations!  You may be a switch, at least and might be a top!


The Dom (read: person) who wants you will show you. “Playing hard to get” is so worn out. If they aren’t real with you or don’t make an effort, ditch them. You’ll be better off for it.

In sports or games there can be ruthless competition on the field or at the board or on the controllers.  But it would be weird if you weren’t able to say “good game” afterwards, ask about the family, go out and have pizza, or kiss and make up.

It’s the same goddamn thing in kink!  Playing hard to get?  That can be an awesome component of teasing play, humiliation or degradation play, denial play, etc.  Actually being hard to get?  Just dicking someone around though?  Fuck that shit and fuck them too.

Dom (read: person.)  Sub (read: person) D/S (read: relationship!)

If there’s no “you were awesome, let’s go get ice cream” after playing, even playing hard, then, yeah, ditch them.  You’ll definitely be better off for it.

Since I think (socially constructed) gender is an enormous mistake I’d consolidate this into “allow boys and girls their full range of self-expression instead of forcing them to amputate any thoughts, feelings, or behavior that doesn’t fit YOUR bullshit distinctions.

Men don’t have a “feminine side,” women don’t have an “inner male.” Don’t let YOUR condescending lack of imagination force them to accept your “validation” of them being who they actually are.

Are boys and girls a little different? Sure. Thank goodness too. The differences are fun!

But trying to slap made up shit on them to help _exaggerate_ those differences? Make them question their obvious differences by adding criteria like it’s ok for boys to be “feminine” and cry or for girls to be “masculine” and spit in the grass? Why the fuck would you even do that?

Dear @faculty, My significant other is specifically submissive (albeit bratty) and has only ever known Psuedo Doms. I have more dominant tendencies, however having been in abusive relationships myself, my mentality leans more toward being compassionate. I place heavy importance on aftercare. My question would be; is there such thing as a vanilla Dom? After calling a few other men Dom’s, would she be able to understand that being a Dom doesn’t not equate to physical abuse and self labelling?


Looks like this was meant to go to @the-faculty so I’ll tag the team and hope they chime in with their thoughts.

I love this question so much!  And “vanilla Dom?”  Awesome term!

Sometime last year I mentioned that in a lot of the really compatible, smoothly-running D/S relationships I’ve seen the actual sex can be as vanilla as tapioca pudding.  This may be even more common in D/Lg as not all Littles or their Caregivers are sexual in little space.

The thing is that BDSM is an alphabet, not an acronym.  There can be bondage in a D/S or D/Lg relationship, and/or there can be sadism and masochism too.  But just because the letters run together doesn’t mean it’s all the same thing.

My favorite counterexample is cheerful Sadists and gleeful Masochists who’s play is all about challenge and endurance and nothing at all about punishment, structure, rules, or restraint.  (Heh!)

Or a couple I know where she’s the most shy, demure, and almost submissive personality, and he’s big and loud and exuberant.  And while they’re holding hands she, the sadist, will solemnly press her fingernail, hard, into his thumbnail, or fold his pinky finger and squeeze the knuckles – both of which sound subtle but can be excruciating – and he smiles fondly at her… and melts into a little puppy-dog puddle.

Point, again, is that a lot of “Pseudo Doms” (another good term) are likely either sadists (nothing intrinsically wrong with that) or inconsiderate, abusive assholes (everything wrong with that!) 

Now of course most people aren’t pure Doms or Masochists or rope tops, or furries. When it comes to kink there’s lots of mixing and matching.  So if you and she like spanking, or caning, or writing lines, or orgasm denial then great!  You can incorporate that into a D/S or D/Lg relationship.  But one does not automatically follow from the other.

I think a lot of the unhappiness that shows up in kink (hmm, and vanilla too!) comes from stereotypes about how things “should’ go.  My most graphic example is the old stereotype from the 20th Century was that gay men were also transvestites.  Nope.  Not feeling “authentic” made a hell of a lot of non-transvestite gay men pretty unhappy back in the 20th Century!  We have similar stereotypes that Doms have to be sadists and Subs have to be masochists.  Also nope.  

For myself I spent years thinking I was a really shitty Dom.  And in a way I was because, seriously, I’m not a Dom!  Instead I’m a full-blown Daddy with a little sadism and bondage top thrown in.  Once I figured that out I’ve been incredibly happy.  But enough about me.

Find out who and what you really are, toss what you aren’t, and you’re going to find way more fulfillment.  So will your partners.

On Bratty Subs: They Might Be Doms!

So as you’ve probably noticed I’m often…

  • Annoyed at the assumption that D/S is gendered with Doms = men and Subs = women
  • Convinced that Doms and Subs are distributed pretty evenly through the population regardless of sexual identity
  • Sure the stereotypical “sissified” men we’re most often shown to are only one minor type of male Sub.  And not a very representative one.
  • Sure the “femdom” or “dominatrix” women we’re most often shown are only one type of female Dom.  And not a very representative one.
  • Confident there are therefore a lot of “missing” men who are Subs and women who are Doms…

And so my ongoing inquiry into where are all the missing Doms and Subs?

I’m motivated by this in part by the observation that when it’s safe for people to come “out” about their sexuality it’s actually incredibly healthy for them.  Mental health and social acceptability are actually fairly well connected.  Conversely, people who are either consciously or unconsciously “in the closet” have tendencies toward both anti-socially and self-damaging behavior.

Walking home from the grocery store the other day, thinking about kink as I’m inclined to do, I was pondering one of the perpetual D/S DD/Lg complaints about “Bratty Subs.”

You probably know what I’m talking about.  Constantly testing and challenging their tops.  Pushing back.  Insisting things go this way or that.  Often seriously unhappy.  “Topping from the bottom.”  Not following rules and often making demands of their Doms or Daddies and generally… behaving in ways that… suspiciously resemble things that Doms do!

Meanwhile, a reasonable number of Doms and (especially!) Daddies seem drawn to bratty subs, respond to their endless tantrums and demands, endlessly modify their behavior to satisfy their bratty subs, and frequently apologize left and right to them too.  Hmm… in other words they behave in ways that suspiciously resemble things that Subs do!


  • Actual Doms and Daddies have approximately zero patience with bratty subs.
  • Actual Subs and Littles often have little or no patience with servile doms and daddies.


How ‘bout that stereotyped assumption that “Dom / Daddy = gendered man” and “Sub / Little = gendered woman?” Sounds a Little shakier now, hmm?

The problem with stereotypes, you know, is that even people being stereotypes feel pressure to conform to them.  They might not like it.  And if they’ve got consciousness / are woke they’re going to push back. But in the absence of out counter examples most people try and go with what they think is expected of them.

So if you just “know” all Doms and Daddies are men and all Subs and Littles are women then… you may just go through life imagining you’re just a bratty Sub, or maybe a pushover Dom or Daddy.

And in case you’re wondering, yes, I’m still a soft Daddy, and I’m not a Dom.  But no, I’m not a closet Sub.  Ahaha!  No.  I enjoy topping to much. I’ll listen to your ideas and sympathize with your frustrations, and I’ll dote on you as only a Daddy can. But I’m gonna OWN your cute little butt, half pint!

And while I can be patient with cranky Littles (because everyone gets cranky) I’ve got roughly zero patience for demanding, bossy, whiny, my-way-or-the-highway brats!  Ahahah.  Nope.  Also, while I can be endlessly patient with someone who’s unable or unwilling to control their behavior in terms of kink I’m not into spanking, fucking, or otherwise interacting sexually someone I have to “reason” with,” fight with, or legitimately discipline to get them to settle down. Do, again, nope!

Which, see above, makes sense! Since I’m a fucking top I’m not terrifically turned on by anyone who’s trying to top me!  ????????????

But enough about me!

If tops keep telling you you’re a shitty sub?  Try on that maybe you’re actually a top!  And if you’re horrified by the prospect of wearing those goddamn thigh-high leather “dominatrix” boots and Weimar-era-Germany eye makeup and whipping sissyboys?  But it’s cool, so are most other women Doms!  That’s the Tumblr porn stereotype, sure.  But there are hundreds of other ways to be a Dom that don’t involve pegging your partner with a strapon while he hollers “mistress, mistress may I come on your feet!”

Think about it.  

There are as many women who are Doms as there are ones who are men.  If you’re not happy as a “sub?” hey, you might be a lot happier taking charge, laying down the law, and riding your big, Daddy Sub’s cock like a prize racehorse! 

Think outside the box.  You might make everybody happier!  Even yourself!

(Note: in this context “bratty sub” should not be confused with regular Subs or Littles who are just mischief makers, scamps, scalliwags, or imps. There’s a very big difference between “annoying pain in the ass” and “adorable!”)