It’s not that “soft” D/Lg Daddies like me never punish their Littles…


It’s not that “soft” D/Lg Daddies like me never punish their Littles.  I’d just never make you sit in the corner, Little pup, if it didn’t make you want to do this.  Rather badly.  On the floor.  In the corner.  While we both pretend I won’t notice.

Cause that’s how kink’s supposed to work – it’s gotta make us both unreasonably horny or it’s no fun at all.

Pretty fucked up of Tumblr that I can post topless selfies but you can’t…

Pretty fucked up of Tumblr that I can post topless selfies.

Funny how I was basically crippled with asthma till nearly age 30. 6’4” and about 140 pounds. Horizontal stretch marks on my hips from growing just short of 12 inches in just over 12 months. Sunken chested and so skinny my tummy was concave under my ribs!

Thank goodness for albuterol inhalers though! Started exercising in earnest in my late 30’s. Hit my peak fitness maybe 10 years ago.

I’m older now -old enough to be the father of far more than half the worlds population. (And boy is my dick tired… no, wait! 😂)

But it still feels good to have been getting back to the gym.

Cause Now I’m a D/Lg Daddy I ought to be able to put around half the worlds population over my shoulder and carry them to bed, patting and squeezing their cute little upturned asses as we go up the stairs… don’t you think, tatertot?

Where “a little” means less than it hurts blocking a kicked ball when you’re defending the goal. Way less than it ever hurt doing ballet. Enough to make you say oh hell yeah. Enough to make you feel strong and alive and glad you invited me over.

Because that’s what kink’s about anyway isn’t it? You just wanted to suffer you’d take a civil service exam or go to a physical therapist instead.

Wet-bottom spankings are so noisy…

Goodness!  Wet-bottom spankings are so noisy but they sound so much better, don’t you think?  Do you think it’s like singing in the bathtub?  I bet you’ve got a wonderful voice, pickeltip!

Spanking with a book is actually gonna be…

To be honest there are like 35 different ways this is hot!  Spanking with a book is actually gonna be more symbolic than painful, more deep-thuddy than stinging, but nice and loud and of course it’ll move you.  Also, while I’m a Daddy that’s close enough to Professor/Pupil to work for me.  Plus any time you’re bent over a desk and my hand is firmly gripping your hip I’ll be happy… how about you?

Oh, and in case you preferred stingy to thuddy spankings?  Well, there’s that yard stick under her hips, isn’t there?

Want to play being kept after class with me, teaspoon?

“…but it seems to be having quite the opposite effect!”


“Must you always be so contrary, my dear. The physician assured me that it would soothe you if I rub the tender spots after administering a vigorous spanking but it seems to be having quite the opposite effect!”

“I’m a good girl but please spank me like I’m bad!”


I’m a good girl but please spank me like I’m bad!

{Naughty smiles}

An older, experienced Daddy will reassure his Little who wants a spanking that whether she wants to call it a punishment for being bad or a reward for being good she’ll get what she wants… 

and deserves. 😏

Wouldn’t do it if it didn’t make you feel happy, horny, and glad you came over. That’s how these things are supposed to work.

There’s a very big difference between “how it hurts” and “how it feels…”


An older, experienced top knows it’s not how hard he spanks it’s how well.  There’s a very big difference between “how it hurts” and “how it feels,” isn’t there, teacup? Â