Hi! I’m in a lesbian relationship and I dom more often than not. She’s very sweet and we always say how much we love each other when we finish. When she doms however, I overthink and feel very ashamed after I come; this is because in a past experience, I hadn’t been able to tell apart my partner taking on the role of dom or genuinely being angry with me. Is it stupid to ask for more aftercare? As a dom, the request makes me feel very embarrassed and ashamed.

First of all 💕💜💕💜💕!!!

And second of all, I get that you feel ashamed and embarrassed after you come, and that you feel terrible about it.  I’m so sorry.  All I can say is you’re not alone, ok?  And there’s nothing wrong with you or how you feel.  You’re ok.  You’re going to be ok too.

The kink-o-sphere is full of memes about how we feel when we’re horny vs not.  And it’s surprisingly common even for vanilla people (not just kinky or woke ones) to feel terrible, guilty, embarrassed, ashamed, or disgusted with themselves after they’ve come.  

Rule #1 of topping or being topped: aftercare, like “foreplay,” is part of sex and not something you staple on before or after.  It’s like cleaning up your campsite is part of camping, and doing the dishes is part of dinner.   (Sorry for going a little off topic, just had to get that part out of the way because not enough people get it.)

Rule #2 of topping or being topped: aftercare isn’t complete till you’re both back on your feet and feel good about yourself and your partner.  (I say both because sometimes tops need a little aftercare too after pushing their boundaries to give you the topping you need.)

Rule #2 says it’s not stupid at all to ask for enough aftercare.  Not “more” aftercare, enough aftercare!

You’re perfectly normal – aftercare was invented because so many Subs need it because they have feelings just like yours after their scenes.  They talk about it more after S&M and bondage because there’s often such a physical component that bottoms need blankets, rehydration, sometimes massage and minor first aid, etc.  


It especially sounds like maybe when you switch with your partner you get into humiliation play as well as punishment.  That can be really hot when you’re sailing – you in subspace and she in… “superspace” or whatever you want to call where tops minds go.  But when you’re done the emotional thumping can leave your heart and ego as bruised as a caning can leave your butt bruised.  

It’s a top’s job to bring you back, to reassure you, to cuddle and comfort and hold you and reassure you.  To let you know they didn’t mean any of the things they said.  

And finally, as the more experienced top you probably understand really well what your partner’s boundaries and limits and needs are.  If she’s going to top you she needs to understand yours just as clearly.  And address them and respect them.

I’m not even a little mad at her, by the way.  Or you.  Not even close.  

Instead I want to reassure you that she means it from the bottom of her heart when she says she loves you after.  That she respects you.  That she wants you “back” afterwards as much as you want to be back.  It’s ok to coach her – Subs can be more experienced than Doms, right?  

It can be a little tough being a vulnerable mess if you’re usually the “strong” one in your relationship, and might be a little odd for her to have to hold you up when you’re usually the strong one.  And if that’s your usual role then it can be kind of a reflex to feel embarrassed and ashamed… to feel like you’ve somehow failed.  But I promise if she’s happy or at least comfortable switching with you… if you’re not kind of pushing her into it for your own benefit… then she’s probably not going to mind taking enough time to bring you back.

Remember Rule #2:  Subs need enough aftercare, not “some” aftercare or “more” aftercare.  If a top isn’t prepared to and able to have a complete sex scene with their partner (foreplay, play, and aftercare = sex) it’s better for everybody if they don’t begin.

If nothing else, if you’re left unhappy after a scene you’re going to have a harder time wanting to do it again.

Thanks for the wonderful question.  Best of luck to you and your sweetie – you both really deserve it.

The secret is everyone is always a “good girl.”  

And sometimes good girls get the hell out of exhausting relationships, careers, social circles, and circumstances.

On saying “good girl…”

For the record, 90% of what I mean when I say “good girl” is that you’re a genuinely good human being. Honestly, I wouldn’t be with you if I didn’t think so.

The other 10% is all the kinky affirmation: playful, pleased, and excited about what you do and what you’ve done and what I want.

But the rest? All the rest? I’d still mean that if we only ever had lunch together in a busy diner.

You’re a good girl, period. Not just for pleasing me.



Best 25-word (roughly) summary ever!  But, yeah, a good Dom or Daddy is there to help take the “shouldn’t” out of “I shouldn’t want to do this.”

I say “good girl” to remind you.  Because despite social pressure and peer pressure to deny enjoying what you… you know… actually enjoy, sweetpea, you’re always a good girl! 

An older, experienced top understands the difference between give and take and… take and give, doesn’t he, nightlight?

What are ways to be cg/l without doing age regression?


Age regression is a small part of the CG/l spectrum. Followers who do CG/l, chime in with your thoughts and experiences!

So back in the old days a lot of people imagined that to be gay meant lisping and carrying a purse (if you were a gay man) or being large and wearing white business shirts and neckties (if you were a gay woman.)  There really were, and are, gay people like that.  But now that it’s no longer aggressively dangerous to be gay it turns out there are far, far more gay people who are indistinguishable from the general population.

Same’s true for age regression.  People who regress, use baby talk, or dress in children-style clothes are the most visible form of Cg/L.  And sure, that’s one totally valid way to be Little.  But only one.  At the other end of the spectrum, though, there are an extraordinary number of people who just like to call their sweethearts “Daddy” or “Mommy” or “Baby.”

If one end seems like too much, and the other end seems like not enough, great!  There’s tons of room in the middle.

Some of the distinctions

  • Sexual vs. nonsexual
  • Regression vs non-regression
  • Diapers (and other gear) vs non-diapers
  • Simple fetish for baby/kid/teen/college things vs BDSM-style power exchange submission
  • Soft Daddy / Mean Daddy
  • Little / Middle / Grownup
  • Lifestyle vs age play
  • Full time vs “Little space” as a variation on subspace
  • "Silly baby” vs Cam Jansen /Encyclopedia Brown young genius
  • Naive innocent who needs a teacher vs sexually precocious brat who needs to be kept “under control.”
  • Comfort zone vs turnon
  • Mentor vs Master
  • Spanking vs non-spanking

These can all be mixed and matched.  There’s no “right” way to do it.  And therefore no wrong way either.

Being a Little is something you can just want to be (Peter Pan, Princess Vanellope, Hannah Montana, KPop boy or girl bands.)  That might be a place you regress to.  Or it could just be forms of interacting with an adult partner that that just seems more fulfilling… or particularly naughty.

Being a Little can involve regressed diapers and bottles or precocious “tingly princess parts,” sure.  But you might prefer naughty high school senior, college hottie, or “come back home to Daddy” working professional.  

The point being that almost everybody had a caregiver at one point in their lives.  And those caregivers don’t just disappear when you turn 8 or 18 (or 28, 38, 48…)  And if you just feel nostalgic about the kind of affection and/or discipline and/or support you got… or wish you got… from a parental/authority or even an idealized Mr. Rogers (nicest possible non-Dom caregiver ever) or Captain Von Trapp (strict, all-ages Dom) figure?  Well, why would you have to regress to a particular age to want or enjoy that?  Why would you need to be a particular age?

Update: While a post I ran across seemed a little too creepy to link to, the author did make the interesting distinction that Cg/L (a leader/follower dynamic) is a kink and regression is a fetish (being turned on by particular clothes, foods, objects.)

What do you think?  

Being a Daddy means always having a few fucks left to give.



girls who like calling other girls daddy are VALID

There’s something very appealing about this.

Well. Yeah! Excellent point. “Daddy” is a kind of feeling for someone, not a literal sex or gender.

It’s associated with a particular gender, sure. But like “buddy” or (????) “bitch” the association is more of a guideline than a rule.

For the record this is true for me for almost anybody!  Kind of like no-strings-attached only for comforting.  I don’t want you to be sad.  So while I wouldn’t do much of anything else, and wouldn’t for complete and total strangers, forehead kisses and “you’ve been a good girl” can be platonic.  (It’s good for me too.)

Be good to each other.  


Call me your pretty little girl while I suck your cock.

If I can speak at all… if I can do any more than cling to you with my hands locked voicelessly in your hair… if I have only two word left in my vocabulary I shall groan them again and again…

Good girl!!!

Will that do, pretty angel? Will that do?