

There’s a reason Traditional men call their girls “pet”. 

Just like a pet, a submissive girl needs to know there are boundaries.  Fences keep in pets and rules keep girls accountable.

Just like a pet, a submissive girl needs appreciation.  She needs to hear “good girl” often to know she’s loved and valued.

Just like a pet, a submissive girl needs routine.  You walk your dog at the same time every day, and your girl should have a chore list and a time limit in which to complete it.

We call girls pets because we treat them the same as we would treat a beloved pet – by imposing boundaries, showing appreciation, and enforcing routine.

And that’s exactly what both pets need to be happy and fulfilled.


The difference being that “traditional men” actually fucking believe their adult, human partners are nothing more than domestic livestock!

The King James version of the 10 Commandments, which is literally as fucking “traditional” as Western Civilization gets, goes like this:  “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.”

In “tradition” women aren’t people, they’re a man’s things!  Just like his ox or his ass or his servants or real estate.

Meanwhile every legitimate kinkster understands that their partners are independent, autonomous adult human agents of their own destiny.  I say that categorically in the sense that anyone who fails to understand this isn’t a kinkster, they’re just loud vanilla.

So if I’m a kinkster I may call you “baby,” or “puppy,” or “teapot,” or use pedestal words like “princess,” or “angel” or even use judgment words like “good girl” or “naughty” to accentuate a shared erotic mood.  But in kink those words have the same semantic weight as paper parasols in a fruit cocktail – decoration only, not the truth.  The truth is we both know, and deeply care, that you’re your own grown-assed woman self.   

D/S, D/Lg, and other power-exchange kinks are awesome because they’re voluntary agreements between equal, autonomous partners. We play it’s the tropes and language of “tradition” precisely because it’s transgressive and therefore we don’t really mean it.

Tradition doesn’t just mean it, they believe it and go to extraordinary lengths to force it down everyone else’s throats. So fuck “tradition” and the oxen and asses it rode up on.

The mistake people make about D/Lg is thinking Littles aren’t autonomous adults with their own independent kinks who are both capable and erotically motivated to act and initiate on their own behalf.

Is it really bad I would now love to hear your answers to the last two (transphobic) questions, because while they were asked in bad faith the moral issue underneath is something lots of people aren’t sure about and you are so wise?


It’s not bad but I’m not doing it.  When people are going off about “you deserve to be killed because of who you are and who you’re attracted to,” it’s no time to make yourself vulnerable and gentle and bare your soul about “this is so complicated because the heart wants what it wants, but surely that is an oversimplification because no one develops their preferences in a vacuum, but once the preference has developed it feels like a full part of oneself, and perhaps it is, but is that just complacency…”

That’s an interesting conversation–and I’m honestly not 100% sure where I stand in it–but it can’t be had in the midst of a crossfire.  Knowing that if I word one phrase poorly, it’ll be screenshotted and bandied about as “LOOK AT THIS RAPIST DEMANDING VICTIMS” makes me extravagantly disinclined to dive into the nitty-gritty of the intersection of marginalization and sexual desire.

It’s genuinely unnecessary to engage with trolls.  It takes them two seconds to reach into their pants and throw a fresh piece of shit.  No sense at all spending time answering sincerely because they’re just rummaging around in their trousers for something else to toss.

It’s also genuinely unnecessary to respond to zombie ideas: defined by Paul Krugman as “a view that’s been thoroughly refuted by a mountain of empirical evidence but nonetheless refuses to die, being continually reanimated by our deeply held beliefs.”

It’s also unnecessary to mud wrestle with a pig.  You’ll both get covered in shit and the pig likes it.

This doesn’t mean don’t give answers to honest questions to people who sincerely want them.  Instead the key is “while they were asked in bad faith.”  

Address the issue, not the question.  Address the problem, not constant deflection.

As Cliff points out, correctly, a troll’s intention is to get as long and (preferably) annoyed and upset an answer as possible in order to cherry-pick your one typo or badly worded sentence in order to… turn that into another turd to fling at you.

If you’re going to engage at all (not recommended) just put it right back on them and move on.

  • “Wow, you seem pretty fragile there, snowflake.”
  • “Wow, I’m sorry you can’t distinguish between consensual play and abuse.”
  • “Wow, you really think all feminists are TERFS?”
  • “They said ‘give me a chance’ and you heard ‘you’re transphobic if you won’t have sex with me, me, me?’  Talk to me after you get your ears checked, pal.“


Sweet kitty ❤️

Feel sorry for the folks who can’t see that Littles have their own autonomous kink that’s independent of any partner. Having agency, they can and do act to initiate D/Lg interaction rather than simply responding to their partner’s initiative.

Feel sorry for the folks who can’t see that Littles have their own autonomous kink that’s independent of any partner. Having agency, they can and do act to initiate D/Lg interaction rather than simply responding to their partner’s initiative.

Always gotta feel sorry for folks who think a Sub should never be on top. Cause you’d be soooo dominant humping Daddy’s thigh like a little animal, wouldn’t you, tugboat? Mmhmmm. Just a desperate, whimpery little tigger, huh?

Real talk, Soph – I’m a virgin and scared to have sex for the first time, but I want it to happen, but there’s no one who I wanna get dicked down by right now…I’m so impatient. Thoughts???




hey there! i totally understand where you’re coming from! before i get into this just remember that for the most part virginity is a social construct.

i think there’s two big things to address in this ask, but just keep in mind that i haven’t given advice in ages, so this all probably sounds unhelpful lmao

1. being scared to have sex, but wanting it to happen: i get this 100%. i am absolutely terrified to have sex that will involve penis/strap penetration, but obviously i am a horny bastard whose brain goblin is always thinking about sex, so it’s weird. how can one be scared of sex, but also really really want it at the same time? i unfortunately don’t have the answer to that question. all i can say is that i relate.

2. there’s no one that you want to be dicked down by: i hate to say this, but there’s really nothing i can do about that. it’s sort of on you. it’s totally okay not to want to be dicked down by anyone around you rn, but i would try and evaluate which matters more. having sex just for the sake of having sex and having sex to get over your impatience or having sex with someone you actually want to dick you down, ya know? i’m not saying to drop your standards or anything, but if you’re really that impatient maybe look around again and see if anyone catches your eye??? i dunno…??

i hope this helps, or at least gives you some insight into my thoughts!

I hope you don’t mind me sharing and adding my thoughts.

I 100% understand being scared but wanting sex. Like, I’m not into penetration (90%cof the time… sounds nice in theory but not practice), but I want to be eaten out soooo bad.

Combine the fear with not having anyone you want to have sex with… that puts you in a bit of a pickle.

Virginity as a physical thing is socially constructed, but you are still mentally a virgin as well and that’s a hurdle to get over. Sex can be super sweet and intimate and whatever you want it to be, but the first time can be scary and overwhelming.

Honestly, my advice is:

1) figure out who you want to have sex with and what type (penetrative [oral, anal, vaginal], non-penetrative, intercrurual (sorry for spelling), etc),

2) if you are into penetration, buy a dildo. But multiple dildos of different sizes. Use them to get comfortable

3) find someone you want to have sex with (either irl or on tindr or something

4) set hard boundaries and talk before hand about your hesitations

5) have fun. Dont take it too seriously. Communicate what feels good and what doesn’t DURING sex.

Don’t rush into anything without evaluating, but if you are just real ready to have sex, it can’t be too hard to find a willing partner, even if it isn’t someone you initially considered


Awesome thoughts, above.  @a-queer-sub-baby’s advice is particularly good!  

I’m going to mostly try and add a human face to the pragrmatic… well… ins and outs.

The anon says they want to have sex but there’s no one they want to have sex with.  They’re scared but they really want to.

Dicks come attached to people.  Have sex with people, not their dicks.  You won’t be as scared if it’s someone you know and like.  Jitters, butterflies, and false starts, yes.  Scared, probably not so much.

You’d think and older, experienced man would say “find an older, experienced man to ‘take’ your virginity.”  But nope.  If you have one in mind, and he likes you and you like him then that’s fine, really.  But by far the best advice I can give is to find someone with as little experience as you do and learn together!  More importantly, look for someone who’s as scared as you are!

Look for someone who’ll listen.  And someone who’s willing to give up their preconceptions about what sex is “supposed” to be and who’s willing to gently push back when you start manifesting what you think sex is “supposed” to be.  Because you’re going to do a lot of that.

He doesn’t have to be the love of your life.  See if you can find someone who’d be a good study partner for a course or lab in school.  Someone who’s able to participate and collaborate and not either slack off or do it all himself.  Because collaboration and participation what good sex is really all about.

Sex isn’t anything like what they do in porn.  Don’t do anything like they do it in porn.  

For something us mammals have been doing for ~210 million years, intercourse is actually pretty complicated.  If you were a beginning skiier, intercourse would be marked as a solid blue hill.  Again using ski-hill lingo, do all the bunny slope and green run stuff first to warm up for it.

It’s not so complicated, however, that you need prior experience.  Unlike skiing you can learn a lot of it from a book and do all the exercises with someone who’s at the same level of (in)experience as you.

They should also want to have sex with a person and not just want to have sex.  They don’t have to love you, or maybe even like you (though liking really helps.)  But they really do want to be motivated to check in with you, to stop you when you don’t check in, to debrief with you after, to negotiate before, and be willing and able to make it fun!

You need to be willing to make it fun too.  

Sex is supposed to be fun.  It’s not an SAT, GRE, LSAT or MCAT exam.

Do all the safe-sex things, please. But also do the fun things.

Anyone who reads this blog should be an adult.  That’s fine, lots of adults haven’t had sex yet.  (True fact: about half of all college sophomores haven’t had intercourse.  This surprises everyone but really shouldn’t.)  But there’s still some really awesome advice on Scarleteen.com, the incredible sex-information and peer-support for younger people.  Since you’re an adult you shouldn’t create an account or interact, but you can still learn a ton from their public posts and articles.

Two I really recommend:

Final note: there’s a common social myth that men always want sex and therefore women can always find a man to have sex with.  This is kind of a bitter joke for a vast number of women in the world.

Have sex with people, not dicks or pussies.

Best of luck!

Two important points about adult Littles…

  1. Cute cotton panties and a t-shirt are highly underrated “lingerie.”
  2. When I ask you to crawl under my desk and fix something I genuinely appreciate that you can actually fix them!

Just wanted to acknowledge those two things.  I might pull you into my lap and call you Daddy’s little gumdrop, but I’ll never, ever doubt that you’re a damn capable gumdrop.

Big hats off to @submissivefeminist for gathering this list. And yeah, most of these aren’t taught in public or private sex ed.

This isn’t necessarily the fault of curriculum developers. And sometimes you’ll find at least some of those points in sex ed textbooks.

But it’s an awesome list and not everyone knows, or remembers all the items even if the did hear them in sex ed.

Take a quick read and pass it along.