

i want a partner who would let me suck on their dick/toy lazily just because i want something in my mouth at the moment. playing a game? gimme please, i won’t be in your way. reading? i’ll look awful cute by your lamp light just beyond the edge of your page. lounging in bed? your tummy is soft to lay my head on so you can play with my hair and doze while you’re in my mouth. it’s a win-win, truly.

This is so me, isn’t it Sir?

When I was a young man blowjobs were Just Not Done.  It wasn’t just that “proper ladies” did no such thing.  (At least in the English speaking world.)  It’s that men who wanted blowjobs were suspected “latent homosexuality!”

There’s a pretty wild police report from Australia in the 1960s, not only did a gang of women sex workers beat up other sex workers who’d agree to give blowjobs, another group beat up a customer who asked for one!

Oddly, going down on women didn’t have that stigma either for women who received it or men who gave.  Which is awesome because I adore going down on my partners.  It was one of my earliest sex fantasies.  I daydream about it often.  And while boundaries are still boundaries, I’m always profoundly disappointed when a partner doesn’t want me to go down on her.

And if I enjoy going down on you then it shouldn’t be a surprise if you, like @agenderkitten, would be as into going down on me. 

Yeah, it can be hot and heavy.  But it’s also lovely when it’s slow, lazy, and as much for comfort as coming.


Honestly the biggest reason I never got that into computer games is because, just as honestly, there’s no game that’s either as rewarding, as pleasurable, or as genuinely, deeply interesting as playing with a living, responsive, and continually surprising and complex human partner.

Also, with partners when you “win a game” by making her come she’ll want a turn playing with you!


One of the huge mistakes people make about D/Lg is that being Little = pretending to be underage.  Or that Daddies want their LIttles to act or (yuck! be) underage!

Instead D/Lg is about grown-ass adults a feeling of “coming home to Daddy.”

Not saying there’s anything wrong with Littles who “regress.”  Not at all!  Just saying that while Littles in polka dots and stickers everywhere might be more visible, most Littles are at least as likely to turn up in Daddy’s lap wearing classic heels and a little black dress.

Because D/Lg isn’t always his idea, is it, pennyslippers?


Clinging to his leg like a needy little thing, trying to get him to stay home from work just this once.

(Me ft. Daddy’s leg)

Because an older, experienced gentleman knows that you may come more easily or often from grinding against his thigh than from actual penetration…


Boys are mean.

Heh. Denial is such a limit for me.

I know there’s way better ways of measuring sexual satisfaction and enjoyment than basic orgasm counts. And I know some people can’t come, or have “squib” orgasms, or have terrible drops when they do. And do they enjoy edging endlessly to actually coming. And I’m ok with that.

But if someone gives me puppy eyes I’m always going to say yes. If I tease you it’ll always be as buildup, not taunting.

Because, honestly, I don’t need a partner to make me come. I can do that myself. Therefore for me a huge reward of partner sex (as opposed to partner dancing or holding hands) is making you come!

And so gratuitously denying you might frustrate me more than it would you, kittycat.