
When doms grab you by the jaw and smoosh your cheeks in a little then trace their thumb across your bottom lip. Mhm.

I… like to do that! Little bit cruel but always tempered with a little reassuring sweetness. So you feel like you’re on an adventure and not an ordeal.


u ever get jealous over something u have no right to be jealous over so u just sit there like… ok

Ahahaha! Oh boy, does anybody not?

It’s the best worst feeling in the world?

Even poly people get jealous when they know they don’t need to be. It’s one of the ways feelings give zero fucks about thoughts! So we sit there going “this is sooo dumb…” while eating our livers till our shoes don’t fit on our feet!

The good news is that if we can’t prevent feelings like jealousy we can’t reason with them like grownups but we can acknowledge them then distract them like little kids.

Instead of telling ourselves we shouldn’t feel jealous (Ahahah, like that ever works!) we can say “yes, I feel really bad that my bestie has a new sweetie and won’t come over. If they did i could give them a big hug and we could play that game we talked about so much. But they do have a new sweetie, don’t they? So we’ll have to with a little and they’ll come play that game with us. So let’s call [Pat] and see if they want to do something.”

Acknowledge, sympathize, speak to the loss, accept it, *then* try moving on to plan B. Feelings won’t really go away till you admit and accept them.

Note: sometimes you’ll have to rinse and repeat. But it gets better each time.

I’m not going to say “beware of Black Friday” because people without a lot of money can use big sale days to pay less for things they really need.

But yeah, the things in your life all used to be time. And the best things in life usually aren’t things.


How To Send The Ultimate Dick Pick

1. Have a dick

2. Get naked

3. Take picture

4. Using editing applications, perform the following edits: adjust brightness +33%, adjust exposure -25%, warmth -10%, increase sharpness 50%, use focus and vignettes to highlight, give it a Durango filter at 20%, and export.

5. Locate the pic in your photo album

6. Hit the trash 🗑 icon. There is no such thing as the ultimate dick pick, or even a good one. Did you really think there was?

7. Find something else to take a picture of and share.


… unless they asked to see it, obviously. But do remember that even then it’s not a “dick pic” it’s a solicited request. Big difference.


Yeah, Tinder hookups and 6:00 AM “walks of shame” are all well and good (well, except for the shame part!)  But till you’ve spent the morning making and drinking coffee together while getting to know each other a little better?  That’s paradise!

Doesn’t matter if it’s a random hookup, a casual fling, and old flame, or your life companion of many years, there’s always something new to learn about each other over coffee.

As for that “walk of shame?”  Seriously.  What’s to be ashamed of?  You got drunk and rubbed your pee-pees together?   Big deal!  That makes you different from roughly 4/5th of the rest of humanity exactly how?

But sharing coffee together this morning?  Or just tea or orange juice, or just cuddles this morning?  That right there is paradise.

hiiii sorry this will probably be a dumb question but i’m super shy (like will pass out in front of a crowd shy) but i’m also really needy and my husband loves it but i feel like they don’t go together? sorry english isn’t my first language

Hi!  It’s not a dumb question.  Forgive my English (as a first language) for not understanding part of it though.  Feel free to send me a private/direct message if you’d like to clarify.  

Since you’re shy and might be self-conscious about messaging me directly I’m going to try to repeat your question though, and then answer it as best I can.  Would that be ok?

It sounds like you’re saying you’re really needy, and that your husband loves it, but you’re also so shy you could pass out in front of a crowd.  Ordinarily those two things might seem fine but you’re concerned they don’t go together.

1) This is only a guess, remember, but could you be saying that even though you’re really shy your husband likes to tease you till you beg him to do things for you?  Perhaps in a way that goes against your sense of being a “good girl?”  If so then that’s a pretty common thing for dominant and sadistic partners to do.  What’s important is whether you like it too.  

If you do like it or don’t mind it then great – good girls, and shy girls, can be *very* needy when they’re aroused without it saying anything about what kind of person they are when they’re not aroused.  We’re often very different people when we are and aren’t aroused and there’s nothing wrong with that.

If you don’t like it then it’s ok to tell your husband that while you love him and want to have sex with him you don’t consent to him teasing you that way.  (Do you think you could do that?)

2) Another guess could be that even though you’re really shy could it be that when you’re aroused you get really vocal and take actions that seem unlike your regular not-aroused self?

If that’s true, and if your husband enjoys that you’re that way too, then as I said above there’s nothing wrong with that at ail.  Once again, who we are when we’re aroused can be very different from who we are in day-to-day life.  You’re just as good a person, a wife, a family member, a member of society no matter how “naughty” you are during sex.  

I still feel like I may have misinterpreted you.  And depending on your English skills I hope my sentences haven’t been too complicated.  So I’ll repeat my invitation to message me to clarify.

Finally, since you’re shy I want you to know that I believe private messages are private – I won’t ever willingly share something anyone says in a private message.  So I won’t tease you, reveal you, or reveal anything you say without your permission.  If you’re still not comfortable it’s ok to leave another Ask like this one, even though it’ll be harder to have a back-and-forth conversation.

Again, not a dumb question at all.  And unless I’m really mistaken you’re talking about a feeling that lots of people have.  And worry about even though they don’t need to.

Thanks again for asking!

i know this is a silly question to ask a stranger, but your opinion matters because you’re wise. is it lying or make me a bad girl if i stay closeted from my family forever?

That’s not a silly question at all! Questions like that sometimes mean a lot, don’t they, because there are often two or mor equally “right” answers.

I can’t answer it for you but maybe we can talk about some of the possibilities. I know you’re not the only one who wonders the same thing so thank you for asking.

On the one hand the things we keep to ourselves are often pretty private. Even if it wouldn’t worry or upset the ones who care most about us.

On the other hand it’s kind of surprising how often out loved ones already know. And are more respecting your privacy than being oblivious.

It’s also the case that we tend to internalize criticism way more than our peers or loved ones will, with the result that we’ll project way more judgment on them than they’d actually have if you came out.

But sometimes we really will burn bridges if we come out. That’s why you’re the one who needs to make that choice. And why I’m not going to say yes or no.

If it’s ok I’be got a question you can answer to yourself: how bad do you feel about not outing yourself? Because if it’s really eating you up not to then it might be a good idea to decide which would stress you out more – you staying quiet bs the reaction you might get.

It’s a good question, not a silly one. You’re the only one who can answer. But you may find you’ve got a lot of support.

Ahahah! Yeah, this!

WTF with people thinking random gay people need to try switching orientations just to “make sure?” When, yeah, most of the folks who say it wouldn’t want to try it.

Look. There are almost always plenty of people who’d want to have sex with you if you’d just give them a chance. If you don’t think so you’re probably just not paying attention.

So why go out of your way for someone who clearly doesn’t want to?


Take cute nudes for YOURSELF!!! ☺️💖💖💖

This! It’s got to make you happy. Turn you on. Satisfy your curiosity. Pleases or maybe just amuses you if it turns anyone else on to see them.

Nor, just because you take them do you need to send them! If you take them for yourself you may never need to show them to anyone else!

This isn’t true for everyone. No one else gets to decide whether or not it’s fun for you.

I will say one thing based on first, second, and third-hand experience though: you have no idea what you truly look like till you see yourself through another’s eyes.

Again you don’t have to show someone else. It can be enough look at yourself as if through another’s eyes.

But only if you want to.