This makes me soooo happy because…  

  1. Politely asking
  2. Getting a polite answer
  3. “wouldn’t send it all willy nilly?!?!” 😂💕

Perfect “dad joke” in the sense that a good dad joke is the solemn acknowledgment of a possibly tense situation phrased in a way that helps soften or defuse it.

On D/Lg and Agency

Why does no one seem to realize the most important thing? Regardless of if DDLG was all about littles acting as kids and having that as a turn on. littles are over the age, and can CONSENT TO SEXUAL ACTIVITY. Daddies or doms may be attracted to anything just like everyone else in the world but they have relationships with OTHER ADULTS, in a CONSENTIAL MANNER. So where does that even become remotely close to pedophiles where they are attracted to children who CANNOT consent. There is a difference

Thank you for bringing this up.  While my erstwhile correspondent was single-mindedly obsessed with the motivation of Daddies, the key difference is that unlike pedophilia, non-consensual sexual assault, genuine misogyny or misandry, and domestic violence, in power-exchange kinks the Little, Sub, Prey, “Bimbo,” or Masochist is an active and autonomous agent pursuing and frequently initiating their own, usually erotic gratification.

By definition a child does not have agency.  It’s this lack of agency more than anything else that makes consent inadmissible.  Even if the victim says “yes.”

This is particularly important considering how many child abusers claim their victim “wanted” whatever was done.  Let’s take a little side-trip to explore why that’s 100% pure and utter gaslighting, self-serving, criminal bullshit.

Consider a more “neutral” case: an adult who’s drunk enough alcohol that they’re too drunk to drive – drunk enough that any reasonable, responsible bystander would ask for their keys and call a cab if the drunk tried to leave.  Someone that drunk is generally still able to speak, and to “make decisions.”  In fact there would be no cause to ask for car keys had the drunk not “decided” they were going to drive home!

Now consider an adult drunk enough to have their car keys taken away instead announces they’re horny, and when some rando says “I’ll fuck you” the drunk clearly and even enthusiastically announces “hell yeah you can fuck my drunky-wunky ass anytime, baybeee.”

Can we say at that point that the drunk has agency, or that despite their evident enthusiasm they’re capable of competent consent?

No.  No they are not.  Being able to say the words, or even initiating sexual contact does not automatically constitute consent.

It’s the same thing with minor children.  If it were not so then an abuser could get away with saying “when I offered them candy they voluntarily and enthusiastically got into my van.”

A minor child, like an intoxicated adult, does not have the agency to give competent, credible consent.  They just don’t.

Which brings us back to adult bottoms in power-exchange kink relationships.  As @beautifuly-damaged says in her ask, adult Littles are capable, autonomous adults who can give informed, active, and competent consent.  As active and independent adult agents, not only are Littles and other bottoms in kink able to consent, they’re able to initiate sexual activities with their partners for their own gratification.

That’s a
 rather major difference.

One can wonder why, as the previous anon did, what might motivate another consenting adult to agree to participate as a top with a power-exchange bottom.  But the anon’s level of angst, dismay, concern
 or prurient interest and/or social signaling should take into account the active, independent, and even initiating agency of the bottoms who seek them out.

Anyway, big, big hat’s off, @beautifuly-damaged, for highlighting that night-and-day difference.  And thanks for letting me dad’splain about it too.


me: i’m horny

me when anyone who’s not the one (1) person i made the post directed at interacts with me:

@radioactivepussy​‘s hashtags are really great too!

#this is about men who slide into my dms and send dick pics
#mutuals you are loved and welcome to interact

But.  Yeah.  I’ve mentioned previously that possibly the most embarrassing, humiliating, but also enlightening moment for me happened when a girl sitting next to me in my car, after we’d been talking for hours, pushed her hands between her legs and said “I. Just. Want. To. Fuck.”

And she did!  

Very badly. 

Just not by me.

Luckily I only said something like “me too, let’s go somewhere and fuck” as opposed to putting my hand between her legs.  But she clarified rather… well… clearly that I wasn’t who she’d had in mind.

Also, yeah, even if someone says “I want you, [your name here], to come over right now, this minute, so we can fuck each other, I’m texting you my address and GPS coordinates right now” then still don’t send her a goddamn pic of your dick, m’kay?






ppl should learn basic anatomy. Physical responses does not equal consent.

Say it louder for the people in the back!!


Say it with me!!!!






Dicks can get hard in guys sleep, doesn’t give you permission to do anything to/with it, same with guys being passed out

Women often get wet when they’re being raped too. Does that suddenly mean she’s not being raped anymore? Nope! It’s almost like your body and your mind aren’t the same thing and just because your body does something, it doesn’t mean your mind wants it or consents to it! 

Also, have these people seriously missed out on the whole “teen boys bopping boners in the middle of class for no reason” thing or are they just that sexist?

Don’t know anything else about them but yeah, what @angelic-king, @basicconstant15​ and @largic said!  Physical reflexes ≠ consent.

This is a giant fucking problem that the general public doesn’t know this.

“I know you want it, a hard dick / wet pussy doesn’t lie” is perhaps the biggest goddamn gaslight ever.  Evidently every serial rapist figures this out very quickly.  And exploits it ruthlessly – “you were hard/wet so no one will believe you.”  Which, as fucking dickwad RayHaluskaStatsStuff demonstrates, is often the bitter truth.

But also what the goddamn fucking hell is he on about with that “Lifetime Rule of Dibs?”  What even the fuck?

Look, pinheads and puddledroppers, someone says no mid-stroke it still means no.  Let alone later that night. Let alone next week.  Let alone ever again.

Maybe you don’t think that’s how it works but that’s how it work!

I have a dom coming to visit me and he is adamant about not using a safe word. I’ve been looking forward to him coming down and have talked about what I would be comfortable with, but the idea of no safe word is frightening. Should i call if off or go through with it?

“The idea of no safe word is frightening.”

You answered your own question, didn’t you?

I’m 100% sympathetic.  You look forward to meeting him, and he’s comfortable talking to you about your needs and wants. 

I’ve mentioned before that there’s a school of thought in kink that safewords aren’t actually safe… in the sense that a top should never get out of control and should always be 100% attentive and that too many bottoms get to hazy or even intimidated or “brave” to safeword.  


Since you can be all that and use safewords too it’s a red flag that this person is “adamant” about not having one.

The only purpose of D/S in particular, BDSM and kink in a little more general, and non-intentionally-reproductive sex in general is for both of you to enjoy yourselves, to feel safe, to be happy, horny, healthy, and want to do it again.  And again.

That’s a pretty low bar.  Sounds like it’s not going to be met without him agreeing to letting you have a safeword and without you being 100% confident that he’ll respect it you use it.  And-and that he won’t wet his pants or throw a fit if you did use it.

So I’m going to say call it off unless and until you stop being frightened instead of totally excited to submit to him.

In fact I’m going to be blunt (not mean, just blunt) and say a good Dom would have called off his trip instead of putting you in the uncomfortable position of having to do it yourself!  He hasn’t.  So maybe he’s not a good Dom for you.

Thank you so much for asking this question.  It’s a really, really important one that shouldn’t need repeating but does.  Over and over.  

Hey, check out these two items that showed up one after another in my Tumblr feed. Maybe I’m just being a cranky Daddy about porn again, but one of these faces should not be like the other one. 

The woman in the bottom photo looks disgusted and angry because someone won’t leave her the fuck alone.  And rightly so!

The one in the top photo looks even angrier and more disgusted while… having a fairly routine threeway.  

Not exactly sure why that angry/disgusted “omg there’s a penis in me” look is so common on women in porn, but I think it’s got a lot to do with the fact that a heck of a lot of industrial pornographers are every bit as prissy, prudish, immature, and socially conservative as their “moral majority” critics.

Although to be fair, repeated porn-industry statistics show the biggest consumers of industrial porn are from highly-conservative parts of the country where, who knows, maybe the customers expect their partners to be angry and disgusted by sex!  I dunno.

You see the same thing in “XXXtreme BDSM” porn from and its asshat wannabes where the women “masochists” (and it’s mostly women) look miserable, unhappy, uncomfortable, and afraid.  When really most of the Masochists I’ve met are generally happy, horny, and downright enthusiastic.

But at least they rarely look as infuriated as they do in mainstream-vanilla porn.

Rule #5: don’t do it like they do it in porn.  If you really don’t like something use a safeword.  And if you don’t have one there’s always the universal safeword: “what the fuck, asshole?!?!”

Face slapping anon here. Thank you for answering and In so many ways with so many options. I think I will hold off on it and find someone professional to help me work through it. I hope you’re having a great Friday! Thanks again.

Thank you so much for letting me know!  And thank you for putting up with all my dad’splaining.  I think holding off and talking to someone is an even better plan than “leave it alone.”

Best of luck!  Thanks again!

You don’t have to post this. I married my dom. They cheated, I left. Ever since my little side has been hiding. Scared to come out and be hurt so bad again. Your blog has helped my little side feel a little safer. Helped me realize that all doms are not bad. You’ve helped me find myself again and I know it’s silly, because I don’t know you, but I am endlessly grateful for your oblivious help in this matter. I hope you have a wonderful and fulfilling life from the deepest part of my soul.

My “oblivious help?” 💕💕💕  That’s me!!!  A truly older, experienced gentleman understands that he may be wise but it’s probably about the things he thinks he is.  

If you wanted to put one of my ongoing themes into pure D/Lg it would be “one of these things is not like the other one.”

I’ve found there are two big, big benefits to questioning or “interrogating” stereotypes.

1) Statements like “all X are Y” for whole classes of people aren’t very workable, let alone… well… true.  “You can’t trust all Doms” is as non-useful as “you can trust all Doms.”  Dominance is only one of literally thousands of characteristics in a 4-dimensional human being (including “over time.”)  But also

2) When you start questioning stereotypes you start to realize they’re not external truths but internal “truths.”  Which can mean the one thing all your stereotypes really have in common is you!  And once you get that they’re your assumptions or beliefs you can start to see perfectly lovely Xs who aren’t Y.

I’m so glad you’re finding yourself again.  Thank you so much for your kind words.

Due to being hit in the face as punishment when I was a child my face is off limits during play. I want to be able to engage in face slapping in the future. Is it possible to work past this or should I leave it alone?

Wow, that’s an excellent question. Naturally there’s no one answer, let alone one good answer.

The first question would be is this an erotic fantasy for you? If so then great, you can enjoy the fantasy all day long. Lots of things that get us off in fantasy arent that great in reality. (Ask anyone who’s fantasized about owning a sailboat!!!)

The next question is would it turn you on to actually do it? On the one hand it could be triggering as hell, in which case maybe leave it alone. (My default answer is always going to be leave it alone.). On the other hand you’ve actually experienced it do you have “muscle memory” of how it feels and what it does. Which leads to…

There are a lot of things we can do where the context makes all the difference in how we feel about it. Pressing lips together can be thrilling with a lover, yucky with great aunt Margaret, routine for a French diplomat, and horrifying when it’s your drunk brother in law. Same’s true with tough play in sex. A soccer ball in the face, a smack from an angry parent, and an erotic slap from a Dominant partner all feel the same physically, but the emotional significance can be radically different.

Unless you’re reflexively triggered. In which it’s all the same… and you should leave it alone.

Last question would be do you want this or do you feel it’s necessary to be a “good” Submissive or Masochist? Because it’s really not something a lot of real Doms or Sadists need to do. Unless it’s a specific fetish of theirs they’re going to assess your boundaries and figure out all the other things they can do instead. The point being that clear boundaries and hard limits make good BDSM. If you have a partner who can’t handle that for any reason? Leave it, and then, alone.

Finally, if you really do get reflexively triggered but you do get turned on and want to do it, consider finding a good EMDR practitioner to help move your triggers out of your “hindbrain” and into your “forebrain” where you can process it consciously. Maybe!

Which brings up a really important point: kink is not a great way to avoid processing genuine trauma. Doms aren’t trained trauma therapists, and even if they were it would violate professional ethics to perform it on their romantic or sexual partners. It’s also not ethical to use a Dom to work through something. Cause it’s… well… using them!

All that said, my main answer is going to be if you can comfortably leave it alone it’s probably best to leave it alone. If not then be crystal clear in your communication, set very clear boundaries, and maybe talk to someone professionally because… dang it all, somebody slapped you around when you were a little kid! Nobody should have to keep living with that without a little support.

Thank you so much for asking. Best of luck whatever you choose, ok?